
React, GraphQL, Apollo app that uses the SWAPI API to display people and planets from Star Wars

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React, GraphQL, Apollo app that uses the SWAPI API to display people and planets from Star Wars.


  • add dataloader to batch requests

  • add option to fetch more than only the first page in each view

  • navbar should render the correct selector based on route

  • add SpinnerView when fetching initial page

  • add Spinner in table footer when fetching subsequent pages

  • persist state between route links // perhaps change this to store in url instead of props throigh links

  • fix bug - two searches in a row spinner view renders instead of minispinner

  • finish PeopleView and SinglePersonView

  • finish PlanetsView and SinglePlanetView

  • refactor and clean up code

  • navbar selector should not render tiny pixel when false

  • add logic to be able to fetch and render more data per person and planet

  • refactor resolvers to enable deeper nesting of queries

  • add logic for movies, vehicles, starships etc...