
My solutions to Berkeley's CS294 (Deep Reinforcement Learning) Homework

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CS 294-112 homework (offered in Fall of 2017)

This is my github repo for homework for CS294 (offered in Fall 2017). I covered this course remotely (using lecture notes and videos) and implemented the coding parts of the homework. Below are synopses for what I implemented for each homework assignment.

Disclaimer: this code is for educational purposes only. Students taking current iterations of this course should refrain from copying this code, as that would breach academic integrity and hamper their own education.


Note that some of these dependencies were not released at the time of this course. Furthermore, the starter code has been modified to reflect changes in OpenAI Gym's documentation.

Homework 1

The course, up to this point, has covered more basic supervised learning. I implemented BC (behavior cloning) and DAgger (Dataset Aggregation), which improved the results (slightly). I also experimented with various hyperparameters.

Homework 2

I implemented the policy gradient algorithm and ran some tests on various environments. I played with the hyperparameters and saw that my implementation caused the agent's reward to converge to the theoretical value. I also implemented GAE (generalized advantage estimation) and compared its results.

Homework 3

I implemented the DQN algorithm and ran it on the Atari Pong simulator. I experimented with different hyperparameters and saw that my model converged to the perfect value.

Homework 4

I implemented the MPC algorithm. However, I was unable to run the provided HalfCheetahEnvNew as it threw

'mujoco_py.cymj.PyMjModel' object has no attribute 'data'

Furthermore, when I attempted to work with the given 'HalfCheetah-v2' environment that (in terms of raw code) is isomorphic to the HalfCheetahEnvNew, the action dimensions representing

- rootx     slider      position (m)
- rootz     slider      position (m)
- rooty     hinge       angle (rad)
- bthigh    hinge       angle (rad)
- bshin     hinge       angle (rad)
- bfoot     hinge       angle (rad)
- fthigh    hinge       angle (rad)
- fshin     hinge       angle (rad)
- ffoot     hinge       angle (rad)
- rootx     slider      velocity (m/s)
- rootz     slider      velocity (m/s)
- rooty     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
- bthigh    hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
- bshin     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
- bfoot     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
- fthigh    hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
- fshin     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)
- ffoot     hinge       angular velocity (rad/s)

Aren't correctly represented in the loss function (the comments about what each part represents don't match up). Furthermore, for some strange reason, all HalfCheetah environments load in 17 variables, not 18.