
Thing API for discovery, monitor and control things in a WoT

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

W3C Thing API

The Thing API is an experimental API for Discovery, Provisioning and Control of Things in a Web of Things. A thing may compromise of multiple sensors, actuators and a corresponding Thing Description that describes the properties, actions, events and metadata of the corresponding thing. The metadata includes also a set of protocol bindings.


Interface ThingRequest

[Constructor(ThingFilter filter)]
interface ThingRequest {
    Promise<sequence<Thing>> start();

A ThingRequest is the entry point in the Thing API to find things. It has a single method start() that starts the discovery or lookup according to the ThingFilter that is passed as input of the ThingRequest constructor.

Interface ThingFilter

dictionary ThingFilter {
    attribute DOMString? type;
    attribute ThingProximity? proximity;
    attribute DOMString? id;
    attribute DOMString? server; 

A ThingFilter is a dictionary that is passed as input to the ThingRequest constructor. It may be extended in the future with additional filter properties. The current supported filter properties are:

  • type: It is a url that identify the type of the thing e.g. http://example.com/things#temperature
  • proximity: It defines how to find the requested things. See ThingProximity Interface for more details about the possible values.
  • id: Each thing consists of a unique id (see attribute Thing.id). Using the id in the filter allows to find a Thing by its id. If id is set, all other filter parameters will be ignored.
  • server: It is the end point of the WoT directory where to look to Things. If server is set, the value of proximity must be remote.

Interface ThingProximity

enum ThingProximity { 

The ThingProximity is a enumaration about possible values for the ThingFilter.proximity attribute. The three values are currently supported:

  • local: It represents discovery in local networks (e.g. SSDP, mDNS/DNS-SD, ...)
  • nearby: It represents all discovery technologies where the physical location is considered (BLE, Audio Watermarking, ...)
  • remote: It represents lookup in WoT directories. The end point of the directory musst be supported.

Interface Thing

[Constructor(ThingDescription td)]
interface Thing: EventTarget {
    readonly attribute DOMString id;
    readonly attribute DOMString type;
    readonly attribute DOMString name;
    readonly attribute boolean reachable;
    attribute EventHandler onreachabilitychange;
    Promise<any> callAction(DOMString actionName, any parameter);
    Promise<any> setProperty(DOMString propertyName, any newValue);
    Promise<any> getProperty(DOMString propertyName);
    void addListener(DOMString eventName, ThingEventListener listener);
    void removeListener(DOMString eventName, ThingEventListener listener);
    void removeAllListeners(DOMString eventName);
callback ThingEventListener = void (ThingEvent event);

Thing is the main interface to interact with a thing. It consists of the following attributes and functions:

  • id: is a unique identifier of a Thing.
  • type: is the type of a thing. It is important to filter things by type (see ThingFilter.type).
  • name: the human readable name of the thing.
  • reachable: defines if the Thing is reachable or not. e.g. reachable is false when the control device (that runs an application using the Thing API) leaves the range of a BLE sensor and true if the device is in range.
  • onreachabilitychange: event handle to monitor reachability of the thing. It will be triggered each time the value of the reachable attribute changes.
  • callAction(): call an action defined in the thing description.
  • setProperty(): set a new value for a property defined in the thing description.
  • getProperty(): get the value of a property defined in the thing description.
  • addListener(): add a new listener to an event defined in the thing description.
  • removeListener(): remove an already added event listener.
  • removeAllListeners(): remove all listener registered for an event defined in the thing description.

A Thing instance can be returned as a result of discovery (see ThingRequest.start()) or directly by using the Thing constructor that accepts a ThingDescription as input.

Interface ThingEvent

interface ThingEvent {
    readonly attribute DOMString name;
    readonly attribute any value;
    readonly attribute Thing source;

The ThingEvent is passed as input to the event listener added to a Thing. It consists of the following attributes:

  • name: the name of the event. It allows to distinct between different event types in the event handler.
  • value: the new value reported by the event.
  • source: the thing that fired the event.

Interface ThingDescription

dictionary ThingDescription {                 
    // Thing Description according to the JSON-LD TD spec.

ThingDescription is a place holder for the JSON-LD spec of the Thing Description.


var filter = {
    type: "http://example.org#foo",
    proximity: "nearby"
var request = new ThingRequest(filter);
    var thing = things[0];
        // get thing basic information
        console.log("id: ", thing.id);
        console.log("name: ", thing.name);
        console.log("type: ", thing.type);
        console.log("manufacturer: ", thing.manufacturer);
        console.log("reachable: ", thing.reachable);
        // monitor reachability of the thing
        thing.onreachabilitychange = function(){
            console.log("reachability changed to ", this.reachable);
            // If the thing is not reachable, then the operations callAction(), getProperty() and setProperty() will fail and the promise will be rejected with a corresponding error. The operations addListener(), removeListener() and removeAllListeners() will not fail, but events will be fired when the thing is reachable again.
        // Call an action
        var input = ...;
            console.log("Result of myAction()",output);
            console.error("Error on call action",err);
        // get and set property
            console.log("Value of myProp ",value);
            var newValue = ...;
            return thing.setProperty("myProp", newValue);
            console.log("Value of myProp is now",newValue);
            console.error("Error on get or set property myProp",err);
        // add and remove thing event listener
        var myListener;
            console.log("receive event ",name,"from thing",evt.source.name,"with value",evt.value);           
    //TODO: handle error