JoSSER is a library in Erlang to generate Json Schema out of Json.
- It implements part of [Draft 03] (
- It works with [jesse] (
- It supports only [jsx] ( (for now).
- It supports "value as metadata" which means that values in json can hold metadata about themselves.
make deps compile test
- create simple json schema
1> josser:make_schema([{<<"key">>, <<"value">>}]).
2> josser:make_schema([{<<"key">>, 123}]).
- create json schema with values as metadata
1> josser:make_schema([{<<"key">>, <<"{\"type\": \"integer\", \"min\":0}">>}], [{value_as_metadata, true}]).
- create json schema with custom types (
not yet supported)
1> josser:make_custom_schema([{<<"key">>, <<"{\"type\": \"custom_type\"}">>}],
{json_term, [{<<"custom_type">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"integer">>}, {<<"maximum">>, 10}]}]}).
get CustomTypes
argument as:
{file, "path/to/file.json"}
{json_text, <<"{\"custom_type\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"description\"},
\"other_custom_type\": {...}}">>}
{json_term, [{<<"custom_type">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"string">>}]}]}
If you see something missing or incorrect, do not hesitate to create an issue or pull request. Thank you!