
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Pants or Shorts: Dress for the Occasion ☀️

Tired of staring at your closet, unsure of what to wear?

Pants or Shorts takes the guesswork out of getting dressed, recommending the perfect outfit based on your preferences and the weather.

Built with cutting-edge tech:

  • React 18: Modern and efficient framework for building beautiful interfaces.
  • TypeScript: Ensures code stability and makes it easier to maintain.
  • Vite: Blazing-fast development and hot reloading for instant feedback.
  • Tailwind CSS 3: Utility-first approach for rapid and responsive styling.
  • Vitest: Comprehensive testing framework for high-quality code.
  • Testing Library: Encourages writing user-focused tests.
  • Eslint: Enforces code style and catches errors early.
  • Prettier: Automates code formatting for consistency and readability.


  • Personalized preferences: Set your comfort levels for different temperatures.
  • Location-based weather: Access real-time weather data for your current location.
  • Clear recommendations: Get a simple "pants" or "shorts" suggestion based on your preferences and the weather.
  • Intuitive interface: Easy-to-use design makes choosing your outfit a breeze.

Ready to rock any weather

Deployed with

  • add more details after CicleCI, Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS deployment is complete


MIT License

N.B. if cloned and ran locally needs to have a .env file with your own OpenWeatherAPI in the root directory with the following format: VITE_WEATHER_API_KEY=<yourAPIKey>