Calculator Project

Epicodus Practice lesson #29 (Week 2) on 1/11/2021/ Update: practice lesson #48(Week 2) on 1/13/2021

By Daniel Adeyemi


This project is the try to build calculator functions and run Business logic for it.
Update 1/13/2021: added forms for user input and separate user output

Setup instructions:

Clone repository by using this URL and run the index.html file in your terminal

Tecnologies used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java Script
  • Bootstrap v5.0.0.beta
  • jQuery

Known bugs:

This project will be developing during week of 1/10-1/16 and for now only perform basic math with hardcoded operation in it. Also no User Interface Logic has been implemented.

License and copyright:

© Daniel Adeyemi, 2021
Licensed under MIT license