Pierre's Sweet and Savory Treats

Independent coding assignment to get experience using ASP.NET Core MVC and Databases with many-to-many relationships, and Identity to allow users to create an account.

By Louie Schoenknecht

Technologies Used

  • ASP.NET Core
  • C#
  • dotnet script, REPL
  • Entity Core
  • Git and GitHub
  • Identity
  • Microsoft Entity Framework Core
  • MySQL and MySQL Workbench
  • .NET 5.0
  • Razor View Engine
  • REPL

Setup/Installation Requirements

Application Setup

  • Install .NET 5.0 here

  • Clone repository from GitHub to desired location using

    git clone https://github.com/louiesch/IdentityBakery.Solution

  • In the terminal navigate to and open project directory

    cd IdentityBakery.Solution

  • Navigate to production folder

    cd IdentityBakery

  • Create a file in top level of Factory production folder called appsettings.json

    touch appsettings.json

  • Add the following code to your .json file

"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=[YOUR DATABASE];uid=root;pwd=[YOUR PASSWORD];"
  • Make sure that [YOUR DATABASE] and [YOUR PASSWORD] match the database name and password of your local MySql server.

To Run Application

  • Navigate to IdentityBakery production folder in terminal

    cd IdentityBakery

  • To download obj and bin files needed for the program to run, while still in IdentityBakery folder type into the terminal:

    dotnet restore

  • The cloned project should come with a Migrations folder. Check that it is there, and then to apply the database structure, type in the terminal

    dotnet ef database update

  • To run the program, while still in production folder IdentityBakery type into the terminal:

    dotnet run

Note: The server will not open automatically. The user will need to click on the live share link in terminal, or enter 'localhost:5000' URL into browser.

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs


MIT Copyright (c) 2021 Louie Schoenknecht

Contact Information

Want to get in touch? Send an email to luisesch97@gmail.com