
Django authentication and authorization playground

Primary LanguagePython

Django authentication and authorization playground

  1. Authentication: Determining the identity of a user, server or client
  2. Authorization: Determines what resources a user can access

User Objects

User objects core to Django Authentication System

  1. Superusers: is_superuser, is_staff and is_active
  2. Staff: is_active and is_staff
  3. User: is_active

Common Authorization Methodologies

  1. Role-based acces controls (RBAC)
  2. Attribute-based access control (ABAC)

Permissions (Authorization)

  1. Django comes with a built-in permissions or authorization system (Django admin site).
  2. This allows you to manage access to the database models
  3. By default anytime we create a new model, Django creates four different permissions

Django Creates Four Default Permissions When a new Model is created

  1. Add
  2. Change
  3. Delete
  4. View

This is created for each Django model