
J2E REST API with Frontend

Primary LanguageJava


Emapp is the J2E project we had to develop in our first master’s year in Software Engineering at Efrei Paris.

It consists of a simple application that aims to manage an employee list.


Each of the three versions resides on a separate branch. They are conveniently named « v1 », « v2 » and « v3 ».


  • JSP, Java Beans, Servlet and JDBC
  • Database .properties file
  • SQL scripts in /WEB-INF
  • JSPs in /WEB-INF
  • Java DB

To pull this particular version, use git checkout v1


  • Maven project
  • JSP (EL and JSTL only)
  • Java Beans
  • Optimized Servlet
  • JPA Persistence
  • MySQL DB

To pull this particular version, use git checkout v2


  • RESTful Services
  • Remote DBMS solution
  • Sonarqube
  • JUnit

To pull this particular version, use git checkout v3


  • Cloud-deployed

Technical environment

We used

  • IntelliJ and NetBeans as IDEs
  • macOS and Windows as OSes

This imposed us to start the project with Maven

We also used MySQL (via XAMPP and MAMP), on port 8889

Database evolution according to versions :

  • Database settings :
  • V1 & V2 :

The EMPLOYEE table :

FIRSTNAME varchar(128)
LASTNAME varchar(128)
HOMEPHONE varchar(128)
MOBILEPHONE varchar(128)
WORKPHONE varchar(128)
ADDRESS varchar(128)
POSTALCODE varchar(128)
CITY varchar(128)
EMAIL varchar(128)
  • V3 : Modification of the DB : adding of a field named "ADMINSTATUS" in the CREDENTIAL table :

Technical choices

DBLink (version 1)

Knowing the benefits of persistence, we thought it would be a good idea to replicate these mecanisms, which we did in the first version using PreparedQueries and Reflection.

The result works quite well even though it is quite massive.

Dark theme (version 2)

We worked on this project very hard and usually quite late at night ; we did not like scraching our eyes over blank pages so we made this dark theme.

Multi-module (version 3)

We decided it would be better to separate the different parts of the application ; with this goal in mind, we broke it into three different Maven modules.

  • api represents the REST API part
  • web represents the webapp part
  • common is what is shared between the two others

Common does not produce any WAR package.

Multi-branch organization

Throghout the project we made heavy use of git branches.