
Processing Shoot'em Up Game

Primary LanguageProcessing

Kézako ?

In ancient, unspoken times, in a long (not so) forgotten french high school, studied three friends (and their other friends) ; these heroes, whose the hunger of getting at least one good grade for their baccalauréat, decided to unite both their minds and talents to create a neat game.

Thus was born the Nemesis Project.

Nemesis Project


Nemesis Project was a simple shoot’em up we created in around four months in high school ; its success enabled us to get the best possible mark for the particular course.


The concept is quite classic ; our hero, Faust, sold his soul the a demon, Seth, in exchange for power ; however, the demon tried to kill him in an attempt to get an early meal.

Out for vengance, Faust took his best gun, his flying device and left his lab to kill Set.

Original gameplay

In the original version of the game, Faust had taken one of his less efficient guns, since it had to charge up during at least two minutes before firing ; however, it could one-shot Seth.

The demon also was kind of clumsy, since he had enough power to summon thousands of projectiles, but not enough to accuretly aim for the player.

During two to six minutes, depending on the chosen difficulty, the player had to evade projectiles randomly falling down the screen.

He was helped, during his quest, by the existence of bonuses such as the bullet-time, the shield, the additionnal life or the bomb : these items were also falling from the top of the screen.

Score played an important part in the fun of the game ; we designed to force players to take risks. The first way to cumulate points is to pick up food ; however, eating too much caused Faust to turn obese, making him more vulnerable. The second way is to « graze » the projectiles and avoid them at the last second.

At the beginning of the project, many more things were planned ; however, we had to let go of much of them to complete the assignement. Afterwards, we tried a few time to start over again, with little to no success.

This is the last attemp to date ! :)

What’s left to do

  • add score bonuses
  • add gameplay bonuses
    • shield
    • bomb
    • bullet-time
    • life up
  • add various trajectories for projectiles
  • add obesity
  • add score
  • add graze
  • add difficulty
  • add foes
  • add manual shot
  • change bonuses so they drop at the death of foes
  • change seth so he doesn’t come right away
  • wake up