
Being a small Swift library to check validity of IBAN codes

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Ray (Iban)

Being a small Swift library to check the validity of IBAN codes. It's based on the the ISO 13616:2007 standard, which defines a checksum process described here.



  1. Add .package(url: "https://github.com/louis-prudhomme/Ray.git"), to your Package.swift
  2. Run swift package update
  3. That should be it.


Not yet. Maybe one day. You may want to fall back to the original library this repository is a fork of: timd/IBANValidator.


  1. Import the framework wherever you want to use it: import Ray
  2. Test the IBAN as such:
let validIbanNumber = Iban(from: "AL90208110080000001039531801")
let invalidIbanNumber = Iban(from: "dqzdqpzodzkqpdozqdu_ehçàçéi")
let anotherInvalidIbanNumber = Iban(from: "AL90208110080000001039531801921902118972918273")

print("\(validIbanNumber.isValid)") // true
print("\(invalidIbanNumber.isValid)") // false
print("\(anotherInvalidIbanNumber.isValid)") // false

// OR

do {
    IbanValidator.validateOrThrow(for: "FR7710293109283091830989776654")
} catch {
    (error as? IbanValidatorError)?.violations.map { print("Iban invalid because \($0)")}

Validation errors

Errors are returned as an IbanValidatorError. It bears all the violations of the IBAN which allow you to provide feedback to your users.

  • invalidChecksum: IBAN has an invalid checksum.
  • unknownCountryCode: could not parse the country code (first two letters)
  • exceedsMaximumLength: IBAN is over 34 characters
  • exceedsCountryLengthSpecification: IBAN exceeds what length is specified for the country
  • containsForbiddenCharacters: IBAN contains forbidden characters. Essentially, any non-alphanumeric character.


Country codes

As a convenience for populating things like picker lists, Ray exposes the SupportedCountry enum. It is CaseIterable in order to build picker lists.


Use the Iban#formatted method to format your IBAN. Formatting depends on the country code of your IBAN.


  • This library uses BigInt, as validating an IBAN requires computing the mod(97) of 34-digit integers.
  • This library is based off timd/IBANValidator ; many thanks for their excellent work !


This library should only be used to check for an IBAN base conformity. It must not be the only check your program performs on user-given IBANs, but rather a passage before tapping onto IBAN.com validator.

Use at your own risk.