
A tic-tac-toe gam demo created using JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live Demo

Demo Visual

Setup and Installation

Before starting or building the project, please make sure your machine have NodeJS installed. Run npm install or yarn to install project dependencies.


Run npm run build or yarn build to have production codes in /dist folder.


Run npm start or yarn start to start development environment in your browser, by default your browser should open new tab with URL: http://localhost:8080/


Run npm test or yarn test to run test


  1. Before game start, choose either O or X who go first
  2. Each turn player takes turns place a mark(depending who go first) on one of the 3x3 boxes, untill no box is vacant.
  3. The first player who achieve a strike of 3 marks will win, else when all 9 boxes is occupied without strike will be a tie.
  4. You may restart the game in any point of time.

Visualize of state

Pristine State

Below visualize an initial state of the tic-tac-toe, each array represent a row, and each null represent a box out of 9. When the box is vacant, it will be either null or undefined.

  [null, null, null],
  [null, null, null],
  [null, null, null]

Dirty state

Below visualize when one of the player place a mark on one of the box.

  [null, null, 'x'],
  [null, null, null],
  [null, null, null]

Game state

Below visualize the state when O won the game.

  [null, 'o', 'x'],
  [null, 'o', 'o'],
  ['x' , 'o', 'x']

Tie state

Below visualize the sate when the game is tie.

  ['x', 'o', 'o'],
  ['o', 'x', 'x'],
  ['x', 'o', 'o']

Project structure

Q: Why placing .sass in component folder instead of /sass/** folder?

A: To control what styling is being compile into final bundle, by importing relative styling into component direct say for example:

// in Demo.jsx
import "Demo.scss";

Because Demo.scss is refrence by Demo.jsx, when Demo.jsx is removed from the project, styling within Demo.scss will be dismiss along with the reference file. (And ofcourse Demo.scss should only contains what's relate to Demo.jsx, component base approach.)

Q: Why choose @testing-library/react?

A: @testing-library/react provide very similiar API with browser to do DOM manipulation, for example .querySelector(), new MouseEvent(). All these familiar API give other developers easy to pick up this library if they are already familiar with browser API.

Q: What is all the __ and -- in CSS classnames?

A: They are naming convention call BEM, one of the solution to avoid css naming from poluting each other when project grows large.


Special thanks to open source below: