
Zsh plugin that displays your airpods battery level in prompt

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Zsh plugin that looks for Airpods via bluetooth and displays their battery in RPROMPT. The plugin is mainly for personnal use although I provided some installation information.
It is probably not compatible with powerlevel9k or anything that uses the RPROMPT variable.

Because of Apple's decisions toward non Apple devices interacting with airpods, fetched values go from 0 to 10 resulting in a ±5% precision.

image image

Zsh plugin installation

With oh-my-zsh

git clone https://github.com/A-delta/zsh-airpods-battery.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/airpods-battery

And add airpods-battery to plugins in .zshrc.

Python script installation

You can simply run the script via python3 fetch_airpods_battery.py or you can install it as a service:

Edit the following airpods-battery-fetcher.service service file template:

Description=AirPods Battery Fetcher for zsh plugin zsh-airpods-battery

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /PATH/TO/fetch_airpods_battery.py /tmp/airpods_battery.out # EDIT SCRIPT PATH HERE


Move the service file to correct location:

mv airpods-battery-fetcher.service /etc/systemd/user/airpods-battery-fetcher.service

Start service:

systemctl --user start airpods-battery-fetcher.service

Enable service on boot:

systemctl --user enable airpods-battery-fetcher.service

If service fails, you may have to create the dump file :

touch /tmp/airpods_battery.out