
An emacs mode for FAME 4GL

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


1. Purpose

Once a time, I need to write some FAME code and I haven't found (yet) any highlighting mode on Emacs or other platforms (there is one in GEdit but GEdit), so I wrote one myself. It is very far from perfect and probably useless but if there is someone out there who's writing some FAME 4GL and looking for a highlighting theme in Emacs, I believe it can provide a decent first step.


2. Implementation

The mode provides essentially two main features:

  • highlighting keywords
  • indenting.


Highlighting is done regardless of the case.

  • Commands and options are highlighted with the type face.
  • Functions are highlighted with the function name face.
  • Keywords like FOR LOOP are highlighted with the keyword face.
  • BLOCK and END BLOCK got a special preprocessor face because I like to see them stand out.
  • on and off are highlighted with the warning face while words enclosed in < . >, like < access read> get the constant face.


Two things to note : LOOP, ELSE, IF, OTHERWISE, TRY, BLOCK as well as REPORT and GRAPH when they are not preceding some words are increasing indent on the next line. ENDof course close the indentation block.

3. Installation

Copy fame-mode.el somewhere in your path and add to your initialization file (usually .emacsor init.el)

(require 'fame-mode)

4. License

MIT Licence.