
Asana Desktop 2.1.0 on macOS allows code injection because of specific Electron Fuses. There is inadequate protection against code injection through settings such as RunAsNode and enableNodeCliInspectArguments, and thus r3ggi/electroniz3r can be used to perform an attack.


Asana Desktop 2.1.0 on macOS allows code injection because of specific Electron Fuses. There is inadequate protection against code injection through settings such as RunAsNode and enableNodeCliInspectArguments, and thus electroniz3r can be used to perform an attack.

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There is a tool designed to automate the process of searching for vulnerabilities in electron: https://github.com/r3ggi/electroniz3r

  • We'll check if the application is vulnerable:

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  • Now we can inject a bind shell:

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  • And we got our shell

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