
Repo for Docugami code / ML Challenge

Primary LanguagePython

Docugami Code / ML Challenge

This is the code for the coding / ML challenge given by Docugami. A description of the experiments is provided in this file, in the Experiments section and the results are presented in a streamlit app.

The first section, Install and run, describes how to get the project running, how to run experiments, reproduce results and visualize results in the app.

The seconds section, Repository structure, describes the organization of the repository, and how different libraries are used.

The last section, Experiments, provides a more in-depth description of the experiments, such as choice of representation, algorithms...

Install and run

First, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/louisenaud/docugami-challenge.git
cd docugami-challenge

There is a run.sh script that has all actions in it, but if you prefer to proceed step by step, you can follow the next command lines. You will need to install dependencies:

conda create -n docugami-challenge python=3.10
conda activate docugami-challenge
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, we can get data and run pre-processing as well as preliminary experiments:

mkdir data && cd data
wget https://github.com/midas-network/COVID-19/raw/master/documents/mendeley_library_files/xml_files/mendeley_document_library_2020-03-25.xml
cd ..
# create results directory
mkdir results
# preprocess data
python -m scripts.get_preprocess_data
# run data exploration
python -m scripts.run_data_exploration
# perform preliminary experiments
python -m scripts.run_preliminary_experiments

Most experiments can be run and tracked in mlflow with:

# launch mlflow ui
mlflow ui
python -m main model=kmeans_sk model.n_clusters=3

The report is a streamlit app, that you can run as follows:

streamlit run run_app.py

Repository structure

This repository relies heavily on the scikit-learn library for vectorization, clustering models and metrics. The experiments are configured with the Hydra library, and tracked with MLFlow.

├── app                          <- Python files related to the streamlit app 
├── configs                      <- Hydra configuration files
│   ├── model                    <- Model configs
│   ├── preprocessing_pipeline   <- Preprocessing pipeline configs
│   └── config.yaml              <- Main config for training
├── data                   <- Project data
├── report                 <- Markdown file to be imported in streamlit app
├── results                <- Storing results here
├── scripts                <- Python and Shell scripts
├── src                    <- Source code
│   ├── utils                    <- Utility scripts
│   │
│   ├── data_exploration.py      <- Functions for data exploration
│   ├── topic_modeling.py        <- Functions for topic modeling
│   └── preprocessing.py         <- Functions for text pre-processing
├── tests                  <- Tests of any kind
├── .env                      <- file for storing private environment variables
├── .gitignore                <- List of files ignored by git
├── requirements.txt          <- File for installing python dependencies
├── main.py                   <- File for running experiments
├── run.sh                    <- shell script to run everything
├── run_app.py                <- Python script to run streamlit app
└── README.md


Problem Description and choice of metrics

We are given an xml file listing papers on Covid-19 Research until March 25th 2020. The goal of this assignment is to:

  1. create groups of similar papers,
  2. give either a title or group of tags to each group,
  3. find the paper in each group that is the most representative.

There is no ground truth available for this dataset; we are hence going to use clustering, and measure the quality of a clustering with metrics that don't require ground truth:

  1. Silhouette Coefficient; it can range between -1 and 1, 1 being a score for a highly dense clustering. A score around 0 indicates clusters are overlapping.
  2. Calinski-Harabasz Index; it is the ratio of the sum of between-clusters dispersion and of within-cluster dispersion for all clusters. It measures if the clusters are dense and well separated.
  3. Davies-Bouldin Index; it computes the average ‘similarity’ between clusters, where the similarity is a measure that compares the distance between clusters with the size of the clusters themselves. It takes values in R+, and values closer to 0 indicate a better partition.

It is worth noting that all of these scores tend to give better results for convex clusters.


The plan is to:

  1. Explore data to choose appropriate representations and algorithms
  2. Run a set of preliminary experiments with K-Means and ELBOW curves to get a better idea of the number of clusters and appropriate dimensionality to get consistent results
  3. Run a set of experiments with different clustering models to compare results

Data Exploration

The data exploration phase yielded different observations:

  • the title is the only data that is available for all papers; this is what we are going to use
  • the dataset is not big enough to use deep learning, even for fine-tuning; we are hence going to use classical methods to represent the paper titles
  • the dataset size is also a bit small to consider it statistically relevant, so statistical methods of representation (eg TF-IDF) are probably not representative. We are hence going to use a bag-of-words approach
  • the most frequent words in the dataset are not useful to our task; these words are directly linked to Covid-19, and we know all of these papers are about research in this specific topic. We are hence going to remove them from our vocabulary.

Preliminary experiments

In these experiments, we are running k-means with dimensionality reduction (to dimensions 2,3,4,5,10,100 and all dimensions of the feature vectors), with a different number of clusters, from 0 to 30. This allows to draw the ELBOW curve, and determine a good trade-off for the number of clusters. Looking at the curves, it seems,

  • in dimension 2, a good range of cluster number is 2-6
  • in dimension 3, a good range of cluster number is 4-6
  • in dimension 4, a good range of cluster number is 5-9
  • in dimension 5, a good range of cluster number is 6-10
  • in dimension 10, a good range of cluster number is 8-12
  • in dimension 100 and above, the ELBOW curve does not present a distinct change in slope; the results are inconclusive The ELBOW curve gives results that are consistent with the 3 metrics we chose.

Experiments with different algorithms

All results can be visualized / explored in the streamlit app, at the page Experiments. Our findings are that:

  • overall, clusters are not very separable with this representation
  • it seems k-means, with dimensionality reduction to dim=2, yields the best results in terms of metrics (silhouette score=0.75)
  • while smaller numbers of clusters yield better metrics, the selected tags are more in accordance with the main paper with a higher number of clusters.
  • Clustering methods that also determine the number of clusters yield a very high number of clusters (~100); there is most likely a higher than number 5 or 10 of topics, but not enough data to populate the clusters and hence get a good score for the clustering


From our experiments, it seems that:

  • other fields might be used in order to create more consistent links between papers, such as the authors, the periodical...

  • more data would be beneficial, in order to train more potent models, such as deep neural networks, as they tend to de-tangle the feature space and create representations that form more separable clusters.