The realtime monitor for tracing the MPI(Message Passing Interface) program behavior, including MPI activities and communication performance.
NO NEED to recompile the target MPI application, so it can be used for 3rd party application tracing
TotalBytes send among hosts
Max bandwidth among ranks
Mean bandwidth among ranks
step1: $ make
step2: Copy the to the same path at all hosts
- Run
Add as the LD_PRELOAD library Use -x LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ during mpirun
mpirun --hostfile myhosts -np 64 -npernode 32 -x LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ /path/to/MPIApp
- Get results
Find trace log of each process in /dev/shm/mpi_trace_<rankid>.log
Find summary of the task in /var/log/mpi_trace_task_<start_timestamp>.log on host of rank 0(Only log pt2pt traffics)
Analyze the results
View the python scripts in scripts/ as a reference
MPI tracer use environment variables to pass parameters. The available options are listed below.
Assign which kind of mpi to use, default: auto detect
Log entries per rank, default: 100000
The timer used for mearsuring the running time of the methods
GETTIMEOFDAY use gettimeofday to measure the time
TSC use TSC to measure the time, CPU Freq should be passed by MPITRACER_TSC_GHZ
Frequence of the CPU to enable TSC timer, eg 2.0
Log path, default: /dev/shm
Log file prefix, default: mpi_trace, and the log file will be record as mpi_trace_<rankid>.log
MPI trace will create a writer thread to write the logs to the file on each rank process, you can set MPITRACER_DELAY_WRITER=1 to disable writer thread and don't flush the logs to file during the application runtime util MPI_Finalize stage
MPI trace will log only the MPI behavior with message size larger than MPITRACER_THRESHOLD, default: 0 (log everything)
MPI trace will summary all traces caught in each host and save to a single host, set to 0 to disable it, default: 1 (enable)
MPI trace can be used to find program issues in using non-blocking functions, eg. MPI_Request is not used in pairs of MPI_Ixxxx and MPI_Wait/Test, set to 0 to disable it, default: 1 (enable)
MPI trace will ignore the designated functions , separate by comma, eg. MPITRACER_IGNORE=MPI_Bcast,MPI_Barrier
mpirun --hostfile myhosts -np 64 -npernode 32 -x MPITRACER_TSC_GHZ=2.5 -x MPITRACER_LOG_SIZE=200000 -x MPITRACER_TIMER=GETTIMEOFDAY -x LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ /path/to/MPIApp
ID MPI_TYPE TimeStamp Call Elapse Comm Tag SRC DST GSRC GDST SCount SBuf_B SLen_B SBW_Gbps RCount RBuf_B RLen_B RBW_Gbps
7 MPI_Send 0.385385 0.000001 0.000001 0x2ab27b0 9001 15 14 15 14 3 4 12 0.101 0 0 0 0.000
8 MPI_Recv 0.385386 0.000321 0.000321 0x2ab27b0 9001 14 15 14 15 0 0 0 0.000 3 4 12 0.000
9 MPI_Recv 0.792978 0.089892 0.089892 0x2ab27b0 9001 14 15 14 15 0 0 0 0.000 1 4 4 0.000
10 MPI_Recv 0.928106 0.002097 0.002097 0x2a49c00 2001 2 15 14 15 0 0 0 0.000 1 4327432 4327432 16.510
11 MPI_Recv 0.930989 0.005134 0.005134 0x2a1fb60 1001 0 15 3 15 0 0 0 0.000 122562 8 980496 1.528
12 MPI_Recv 0.938825 0.000056 0.000056 0x2a1fb60 1001 0 15 3 15 0 0 0 0.000 24141 8 193128 27.576
13 MPI_Send 0.938882 0.000348 0.000348 0x2a1fb60 1001 15 1 15 7 27855 8 222840 5.121 0 0 0 0.000
14 MPI_Irecv 0.939233 0.000000 0.000503 0x2a1fb60 1001 0 15 3 15 0 0 0 0.000 118848 8 950784 15.127
15 MPI_Send 0.939234 0.000499 0.000499 0x2a1fb60 1001 15 0 15 3 118848 8 950784 15.243 0 0 0 0.000
16 MPI_Wait 0.939735 0.000001 0.000001 (nil) -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000
17 MPI_Irecv 0.939737 0.000000 0.001087 0x2a1fb60 1001 1 15 7 15 0 0 0 0.000 118848 8 950784 6.998
18 MPI_Send 0.939737 0.001087 0.001087 0x2a1fb60 1001 15 1 15 7 118848 8 950784 6.998 0 0 0 0.000
19 MPI_Wait 0.940824 0.000000 0.000000 (nil) -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000
20 MPI_Irecv 0.940824 0.000001 0.000709 0x2a1fb60 1001 0 15 3 15 0 0 0 0.000 118848 8 950784 10.727
Column | Descrpition |
MPI_TYPE | the MPI_xxx functions to hook and log, available functions are listed in the next section |
TimeStamp | seconds since MPI_Init is called |
Call | the running time of the called function |
Elapse | if the function is synchronous, eg MPI_Send, it is equal to Call if the function is asynchronous, eg MPI_Isend, it is the time between the asychronous function being called and its asynchronous request being checked positive by MPI_Test or MPI_Wait |
Comm | the Commnunicator of the function |
Tag | the tag of the function |
SRC | the source rank of the function commnunicator, display -1 if NA |
DST | the destination rank of the function commnuicator, display -1 if NA |
GSRC | the source rank of the world commnuicator, display -1 if NA |
GDST | the destination rank of the world commnuicator, display -1 if NA |
SCount | the count of buffers for sending |
SBuf_B | the size of a single buffer for sending, in bytes |
SLen_B | the total size of sending buffer, SLen_B = SCount * SCount, in bytes |
SBW_Gbps | the bandwidth of sending process SBW_Gbps = SLen_B/Elapse, formatted to Gbps |
RCount | the count of buffers for receiving |
RBuf_B | the size of a single buffer for receiving, in Bytes |
RLen_B | the total size of receiving buffer, RLen_B = RCount * RBuf_B, in bytes |
RBW_Gbps | the bandwidth of receiving process RBW_Gbps = RLen_B/Elapse, formatted to Gbps |
Pt2pt/bcast/reduce traffic are supportted
SHost SRC DHost DST Start Elapse TotalCount TotalBytes Max_msg Min_msg Avg_msg Max_bw Min_bw Avg_bw Bw_mean
ihostn01 1 ihostn00 0 4.930473 518.642593 42804 24046669008 29360128 4 561785 50.433 0.000 0.371 10.701
ihostn02 2 ihostn00 0 4.930495 518.656857 13080 1367319360 29245440 4 104535 51.540 0.000 0.021 6.502
ihostn03 3 ihostn00 0 14.120866 490.132643 2426 1755566080 29360128 2048 723646 41.648 0.003 0.029 9.031
Column | Descrpition |
SHost | the hostname where source rank located at |
SRC | the source rank |
DHost | the hostname where destination rank located at |
DST | the destination rank |
Start | the start time(s) |
Elapse | the total time of the communication last between SRC and DST |
TotalCount | the total messages have been sent |
TotalBytes | the total bytes have been sent, in bytes |
Max_msg | the max size of all messages, in bytes |
Min_msg | the min size of all messages, in bytes |
Avg_msg | the average size of all messages, in bytes |
Max_bw | the max bandwidth of all traffics between SRC and DST, formatted to Gbps |
Min_bw | the min bandwidth of all traffics between SRC and DST, formatted to Gbps |
Avg_bw | the average bandwidth of all traffics between SRC and DST, Avg_bw=TotalBytes/Elapse, formatted to Gbps |
Bw_mean | the average bandwidth of all traffics between SRC and DST, Bw_mean=Sum(bw)/TotalCount, formatted to Gbps |
The available MPI functions to trace now
- Linux Only
- Works with openmpi or Intelmpi, ensure to use corresponding path to mpi.h head file to compile the code.
- Tested on OSU Micro-Benchmarks 5.5 and HPL 2.2
- Tested on mpiGraph
there is a bug in mpiGraph, see to fix and run(Already fixed & merged in latest version)