
Encrypts Dynalist Content using a Google Chrome plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Encrypts Dynalist Content using a Google Chrome plugin.

Also see Dynalist forum: https://talk.dynalist.io/t/dynacrypt-client-side-encryption-via-chrome-plugin/6820

Disclaimer: I do not take any responsibility for the security of this extension or any data loss due to bugs or mishandling of passwords. The extension is NOT production ready and has still to be thoroughly tested.

How it works: It hijacks the XHR communication between the dynalist client and the dynalist server. All outgoing items are encrypted, all incoming items are decrypted.

What is still missing

  • Quick Dynalist support
  • Support for bookmarks / document names
  • Support for shared documents
  • Support for dates in google calendar
  • … something else?


Just set your encryption password

Then everything should look like normal Dynalist, but all new items are being encrypted.

If you deactivate the plugin you will see just this

With the plugin activated you will see the true content and everybody else (including the server and any hackers) will still see the above.