Mongo Benchmarking Project

Installing dependencies

  • On each of the 5 cluster nodes, install MongoDB 3.4.7 as follows:
    • Download MongoDB to the home folder of each of the cluster node by running wget
    • Copy the script to the home folder.
    • Add /temp/mongodb/bin to your PATH in your .bash_profile.
  • You should also have Python 2.7 and pip installed. If you have no sudo access to the server, refer to this guide on how to install pip without sudo access.
  • Install the python dependencies using pip install --user -r requirements.txt

Installing & Configuring MongoDB

It's required that you have a server that has passwordless ssh access to the 5 cluster nodes.

  • On this server that has passwordless ssh access to all the cluster nodes, get a copy of the project from here and unzip it anywhere.
  • Inside the unzipped project folder, specify your cluster nodes' ip addresses and login details in config.txt. Make sure they are in order.
  • Inside the project folder, run ./setup_sharding.

Setup the data

  • Go to any one of your cluster nodes, download the project codes from here and unzip it inside the node's home folder.

  • Run ./ inside the unzipped project folder. You only need to run this on any one node.

Running benchmarks

  • On every cluster node, get a copy of the project from here and unzip it in the node's home folder. It is important that the unzipped project folder is named MogoTransaction-master

  • On the same server that has passwordless ssh access to all the cluster nodes, get a copy of the project from here and unzip it anywhere.

  • Inside the unzipped project folder, again specify your cluster nodes' ip addresses and login details in config.txt.

  • Inside the project folder, run ./ <NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS> <TESTING_TYPE> <OPTIONAL_NUMBER_OF_TRANSACTIONS> to start benchmarking. NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS can be 10, 20 or 40. TESTING_TYPE can be 1, denoting majority read & write concern, or 0, denoting local read & 1-replica write. OPTIONAL_NUMBER_OF_TRANSACTIONS denotes the number of transactions that you want to run from each transaction file. This can be omitted if you want to run all the transactions in all the files. Log files will be created in your working directory when the benchmark script is running.