
Website to host supplementary materials (data and scripts) for 'Intelligence brings responsibility - even AI-tools are held responsible' paper.

Primary LanguageHTML

This is a website to host supplementary materials (data and scripts) for 'Intelligence brings responsibility - even AI-tools are held responsible' paper submitted to Nature Machine Intelligence (August 2022).

Scripts: Use the website or the index.Rmd doc to access the script used to create the figures.

Data: Processed data can be found under the data subdirectory.

File structure

- index.html
- background.jpg
- this-is-a-hash                     
  \ - index.html            <-- ! scripts for figures and analyses
  \ - figure 1 .png   
  \ - data                  <-- ! data files
      \ ... 
  \ - index_files           <-- figures as png to build the website
      \ ...
  \ - site_libs             <-- required packages to build the website
      \ ...
  \ - index.Rmd             <-- RMarkdown doc to create website