
Ultra simple, ultra light, dependency-free and tree-shakeable HTTP client for the browser, made with JSON in mind

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ultra simple, ultra light, dependency-free and tree-shakeable HTTP client for the browser, made with JSON in mind

version build size

Reeq targets most browsers.

Use reeq if:

  • You do not care about anything else other than the response (no status codes etc)
  • You want as few bytes as possible

Reeq has 100% code coverage !

Please feel free to open an issue and/or contribute !


In your javascript project

yarn add reeq

In your HTML <body>

<script src="https://unpkg.com/reeq"></script>


import reeq from 'reeq' // not necessary if you used the HTML <script>

// in an async function

// a simple GET request
const repo = await reeq('https://api.github.com/repos/louismerlin/reeq')
console.log(response.license.name) // => 'MIT License'

// a simple POST request
const issueDescription = {
  title: 'I have a problem',
  body: 'Description of my problem'
const issue = await reeq('https://api.github.com/repos/louismerlin/reeq/issues', { method: 'POST', body: issueDescription })
console.log(issue.state) // => 'open'


reeq(url, [options])

Make a request to a specified URL.

Returns a promise that resolves to the response (a javascript object if the response was JSON).

Where url is the url of the ressource.

options is an optional object argument that might include the following keys:

  • method (string, default GET): the HTTP request method.
  • body (string or object, default null): the request body.
  • type (string, intelligent default): the header content-type.
  • headers (object): additional headers to add to the request

The header content-type will be automatically set based on the body, for FormData and object (JSON) bodies. You should use this option if you want to override the content-type.

json is a special type value that will set the content-type to application/json.

form-data is a special type value that will set the content-type to multipart/form-data.