
Entity Component System with julia

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Overseer (Entity Component System)

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This package supplies a lightweight, performant and julian implementation of the Entity component system (ECS) paradigm. It is most well known for its applications in game development, but IMHO its a programming paradigm that can benefit a broad range of applications. It results in a very clean and flexible way to gradually build up applications in well separated blocks, while remaining inherently performant due to the way data is structured and accessed.

The API and performance of this package are being thoroughly tested in practice in the development of:

  • Glimpse.jl, a mid level rendering toolkit
  • Trading.jl, a comprehensive realtime trading and backtesting framework
  • RomeoDFT.jl, a robust global DFT based energy optimizer

ECS Basics

The main idea of an ECS is to have a very clear separation between data and logic, grouping data in logic-free Components and logic in data-free Systems. Systems will perform their logic on a set of Components they care about, usually iterating through all the entities that have a particular combination of the components, systems tend to not care about specific entities, only groups of them. This allows for ideal performance since data is accessed through iterating over packed arrays, while allowing a high degree of flexibility by attaching different components to entities on the fly.

ECS can be implemented in a lot of ways, each with slightly different behaviors. This is a small introduction to the specifics of this implementation, since it's important to understand it to be used effectively.


Purely an identifier, used as an index.

Component & ComponentData

The data that can be attached to Entities is a subtype of ComponentData and is stored contiguously in a Component. An Entity can be used as an index into the Component to retrieve its data. Each ComponentData should be purely a store for data, with no more logic attached to it than for creation and accessing.

System & Stage

This where all the logic should take place. Each system should be an empty struct (except for maybe holding settings info) that subtypes System and overloads 2 functions: - Overseer.update(::System, m::AbstractLedger) - Overseer.requested_components(::System)

The first one will be used to perform each update, i.e. perform the system's main logic, while the latter is used when the system is added to an AbstractLedger to make sure that all Components that the system cares for are present.

Systems are then grouped together into a Stage which is really just a Pair{Symbol, Vector{System}}, which is just to allow for updating specific groups of systems together if desired.


All Entities, Components and Stages are grouped in an AbstractLedger which takes care of creating new entities, accessing components, updating systems and generally making sure that everything runs.


To get a better understanding of how all of this works, it's best to see it in action in an example. Here we will simulate oscillation and rotation of entities.

First we define the components that will be used.

using Overseer
using GeometryTypes

@component struct Spatial

@component struct Spring
@component struct Rotation

Next we define our systems.

struct Oscillator <: System end

Overseer.requested_components(::Oscillator) = (Spatial, Spring)

function Overseer.update(::Oscillator, m::AbstractLedger)
	for e in @entities_in(m, Spatial && Spring)
		new_v   = e.velocity - (e.position - e.center) * e.spring_constant
		e[Spatial] = Spatial(e.position, new_v)

struct Rotator <: System  end
Overseer.requested_components(::Rotator) = (Spatial, Rotation)

function Overseer.update(::Rotator, m::AbstractLedger)
	dt = 0.01
	for e in @entities_in(m, Rotation && Spatial) 
		n          = e.axis
		r          = - e.center + e.position
		theta      = e.omega * dt
		nnd        = n * dot(n, r)
		e[Spatial] = Spatial(Point3f0(e.center + nnd + (r - nnd) * cos(theta) + cross(r, n) * sin(theta)), e.velocity)

struct Mover <: System end

Overseer.requested_components(::Mover) = (Spatial, )

function Overseer.update(::Mover, m::AbstractLedger)
    dt = 0.01
    spat = m[Spatial]
    for e in @entities_in(spat)
        e_spat = spat[e]
        spat[e] = Spatial(e_spat.position + e_spat.velocity*dt, e_spat.velocity)

As we can see the oscillator will cause the velocity to be inwards towards the center of the spring, the rotator causes just a rotation around an axis with a given rotational velocity, and the mover updates the positions given the velocity.

Each system iterates over the entities that have the components like given to the rules for @entities_in. There are two ways of using this, either in the form @entities_in(ledger, ComponentData1 && Componentdata2) or @entities_in(comp1 && comp2) where comp1 = m[ComponentData1],comp2 = m[ComponentData2]. Rules can be given in the form of @entities_in(a && (b || c) && !d), which will iterate through all the entities that are in component a and b or c but not in d.

Now we group these systems in a :simulation stage, construct a Ledger which is a basic AbstractLedger and generate some entities.

stage = Stage(:simulation, [Oscillator(), Rotator(), Mover()])
m = Ledger(stage) #this creates the Overseer with the system stage, and also makes sure all requested components are added.

e1 = Entity(m, 
            Spatial(Point3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 
            Spring(Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.01))
e2 = Entity(m, 
            Spatial(Point3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 
            Rotation(1.0, Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))

e3 = Entity(m, 
            Spatial(Point3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 
            Rotation(1.0, Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 
            Spring(Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.01))
e4 = Entity(m, 
            Spatial(Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)))

So here we created 4 entities that will be acted upon by the systems in the following way: - e1: Oscillator will update the velocity and Mover will change it's position - e2: Rotator will update the position, Mover would too, but doesn't do anything since the velocity is 0. - e3: both Ocillator and Rotator, and Mover will act on it. - e4: only Mover will act on it and since nothing changes it's velocity it will move away from the origin forever.

Now we are ready to do an update and look at how the entities evolved. Notice that stages are updated sequentially, and systems inside the stage too.

m[e1] #this groups all the componentdata that is associated with e1 
m[Spring][e3] #accesses Spring data for entity e3

Entities can be deleted completely, or scheduled for later deletion:

delete!(m, e1) #instantly deletes, but is quite slow since has to check all components for whether is has e1
schedule_delete!(m, e2) #will schedule e2 for later batch deletion
delete_scheduled!(m) #executes the batch deletion

New data can be assigned to entities through.

m[e2] = Spring(Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.01)

Entities can be removed from a specific component through

pop!(m[Spring], e2)

For more examples please have a look for now at the Documentation.


The implementation was originally inspired by EnTT, using slightly modified SparseIntSets to track which entities hold which components.