Docker files for IRRd. The Docker image is available on Docker hub at and therefore can be pulled as:
$ docker pull mirceaulinic/irrd
Or a specific version, e.g., 4.2.8
$ docker pull mirceaulinic/irrd:4.2.8
The image doesn't include the database service; for that, you'll need to run an external service, or container.
It does however provide the packages to access the database referenced in
the database_url
in the IRRd configuration file, and gnupg
for the
authentication keyring.
In order to provide it with your own IRRd configuration, you can mount that as a volume to the Docker container, e.g.,
$ docker run --rm -d -v /path/to/my/irrd.yaml:/etc/irrd.yaml mirceaulinic/irrd:4.2.8
In a similar way you can provide the GnuPG keyring.
This repo provides a docker-compose file. For this, you need to have docker-compose installed, see the installation notes.
Once docker-compose is available on your machine, you can go ahead and run
make start
in order to get the environment up and running. It takes
a couple of minutes to start the service and load the data, but once you see
the following lines in the output, it should be ready:
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,474 irrd[49]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Started server process [49]
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,475 irrd[49]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Waiting for application startup.
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,542 irrd[40]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Started server process [40]
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,549 irrd[40]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Waiting for application startup.
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,571 irrd[49]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Application startup complete.
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,642 irrd[40]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Application startup complete.
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,701 irrd[47]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Started server process [47]
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,701 irrd[47]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Waiting for application startup.
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,733 irrd[37]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Started server process [37]
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,733 irrd[37]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Waiting for application startup.
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,774 irrd[47]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Application startup complete.
irrd | 2023-06-05 10:21:18,807 irrd[37]: [uvicorn.error#INFO] Application startup complete.
You can now run queries against your local IRRd server, e.g.,
$ whois -h localhost -p 8043
descr: Cloudflare, Inc.
origin: AS13335
changed: 20200616
source: ALTDB
As per above, the local port is mapped (in the docker-compose file) to 8043, but this can be easily changed if you have a different preference.
In this repo, I have provided an SQL dump corresponding to the IRR data from ALTDB. This source was selected purely because it's one of the smallest data sources available publicly.
If you prefer a different (or multiple sources), you can edit the
file in this repository, then IRRd will gather the data from
there. Keep in mind however that the more sources you have (and
the larger they are -- RADd, ARIN, RIPE, etc. are typically much larger than
ALTDB), the longer it'll take to download that information and load it into
the local database.
If you decide to adjust the sources
section in the irrd.yaml
file, it
might be a good idea to dump the database in order to save time when you
start the local IRRd service next time. For this scope, you can run make