This extension is a set of Snippets for Astro. They are created so that scaffolding with Astro can be easy. You can try to remember most of these but. Before reading the full snippets down below. The snippets are made so that you write your HTML before writing your scripts and styles.
I created list for you to understand the fundamental things about these snippets.
stands for scaffold -
stands for scaffolding client instead of server script -
stands for fragment -
stands forgetStaticPaths
stands for ternary -
stands forgetCollections
stands for component -
stands for page -
stands for pre-rendered page -
stands for col lec tion -
stands for anonymous function
Here is a table with a list of all the snippets you can use. Hope this is helpful.
Snippet | Purpose |
a:iige | Immediately Invoked Generator Expression |
a:iife | Immediately Invoked Function Expression |
a:base | Astro Single File Component |
a:cbase | Astro Single File Component w Client Script |
a:base-hmf | This is a header footer main snippet |
a:frag--html | This is a fragment with set html |
a:frag--slot | This is a fragment with a slot name in it |
a:frag--slot--anfn | A fragment slot with a function to return HTML |
a:base-pr-pg | This is a pre-rendered page snippet |
a:base-pr-pg--gsp | This is a pre-rendered page with getStaticPaths Setup |
a:base-gsp | This is a page snippet with getStaticPaths |
a:base-gsp--gc | Scaffold for Get Collections With getStaticPaths |
a:base-cmp | This is a basic Astro components |
a:base-cmp--cs | This is an Astro component with a client script |
a:base-lpg | This a page with layout scaffolding |
a:base-lpg--hmf | Layout Page with Header and Footer slot |
a:tern | A ternary expression scaffold |
a:map | This is a simple map expression for Astro |
a:map--anfn | This is a map expression for Astro using a anonymous function |
Snippet | Purpose |
a:base-cc | This is for scaffolding a Collection Config |
a:clt | This is the single collection setup |
a:clt--data | This is the single data collection setup with relations |
Please use these snippets along with these extensions:
- TS?X Snippets
- Auto Rename Tag
- Astro (duh)