Remark HTML Directives

This is a set of snippets to use with the plugin Remark HTML Directives. If you install the plugin then you can then use this extension to get rid of lots of boilerplate code and become productive. For those who don't know what a  markdown directive is. A markdown directive is a directive that allows you to create HTML in the form of tags that are prefixed with a colon.

  • One colon is a text directive
  • Two colons is a leaf directive
  • Three colons is a container directive

When it comes to directives you can add attributes to them and those turn into HTML attributes. They give nice shorthand's as well. Your Markdown is basically turned into a Templating Language. The term rmd is a keyword called Remark Markdown Directives. Anything post fixed with d is a directive.



  • click the extensions button (lowest square icon in the editor), and type in Remark HTML Directives Snippets, select the one by Shelton Louis
  • go to the VS Code Marketplace


Below is all of the directives that are supported by this plugin.

Core directives

Snippet Purpose
rmd-cd This is a container directive snippet
rmd-ld This is a leaf directive snippet
rmd-td This is a text directive snippet

Container directives

Snippet Purpose
rmd-hd This is a header directive snippet
rmd-m This is a main directive snippet
rmd-ft This is a footer directive snippet
rmd-st This is a section directive snippet
rmd-fg This is a figure directive snippet
rmd-adr This is a address directive snippet
rmd-as This is a aside directive snippet
rmd-bq This is a blockquote directive snippet
rmd-dts This is a details directive snippet
rmd-smr This is a summary directive snippet
rmd-dfl This is a definition list directive snippet
rmd-fc This is a figcaption directive snippet
rmd-hr This is a horizontal rule directive snippet
rmd-li This is a list item directive snippet
rmd-nav This is a navigation list directive snippet
rmd-ol This is a Ordered List directive snippet
rmd-ul This is a Unordered List directive snippet
rmd-vd This is a video directive snippet
rmd-ad This is a audio directive snippet
rmd-hg This is a hgroup directive snippet
rmd-tb This is a table directive snippet
rmd-tdh This is a table header directive snippet
rmd-tbf This is a table footer directive snippet
rmd-tbbd This is a table body directive snippet
rmd-tbh This is a table head directive snippet
rmd-tbhd This is a table header directive snippet
rmd-tr This is a table row directive snippet
rmd-tbdc This is a table data cell directive snippet
rmd-cl This is a column directive snippet
rmd-ct This is a caption directive snippet
rmd-cg This is a colgroup directive snippet
rmd-cde This is a code directive snippet

Leaf directives

Snippet Purpose
rmd-br This is a Break Rule directive snippet
rmd-img This is a Image directive snippet
rmd-map This is a map directive snippet
rmd-if This is a iframe directive snippet

Text directives

Snippet Purpose
rmd-ct This is a cite directive snippet
rmd-dfn This is a Definition directive snippet
rmd-sb This is a subscript directive snippet
rmd-sp This is a superscript directive snippet
rmd-tm This is a time directive snippet
rmd-v This is a var directive snippet
rmd-mk This is a mark directive snippet
rmd-sml This is a small directive snippet
rmd-kbd This is a keyboard directive snippet
rmd-smp This is a sample output directive snippet
rmd-abbr This is a Abbreviation directive snippet
rmd-bdo This is a bi-directional override directive snippet
rmd-data This is a data directive snippet
rmd-dt This is a definition term directive snippet
rmd-dd This is a definition description directive snippet


You don't need any markdown specific tooling to use this extension. But since it is based of the remark-html-directives plugin that I created the rules that apply to that plugin will apply to these set of snippets.


You can't use any HTML that is does not belong exclusively to the body tag. This plugin is based of the idea that you use a static site generator. They use either the concept of Injected layouts of they use Component's that wrap Markdown inside of a body tag.

To use them in a project you will have to do this.

pnpm i -D remark-directive remark-html-directives

Then do this.

	plugins: [

[!warning] Attention The remark-directive plugin must always be run before the remark-html-directives plugin is they rely on each other. remark-html-directives is a plugin that tells remark-directive how to work.

Release Notes

Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.


Initial release of ...Remark HTML Directive Snippets.

Post Statement

I recommend using Astro.js. You won't regret it. It will become the Figma of Static Site Generators in years to come.