Learning Haskell

These notes are personal, not sure how much sense they would make to anyone else. i.e read at your own risk :d

Language basic things that I might forget (according to me )

  • if needs else
  • if is an expression
  • an expression is code that returns a value
  • valid in functions name, usually used a non lazy function (strict)
  • Functions names start with lowercase
  • When a function doesn't take any parameters, we usually say it's a definition (or a name). Because we can't change what names (and functions) mean once we've defined them
  • not sure how I feel about throwing exceptions

File Parser

Project setup with Cabal

  • Use cabal sandbox init
  • Use cabal init
  • Use cabal build
data Config = Config
{ value1 :: String
, value2 :: Int
} deriving(Show)

Using Show , Show is a typeclass

Applicative are functors

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe

<*> --apply method
<$> -- fmap


Check out

  • Stackage