
Template tag library for building building javascript templates using django templates

Primary LanguagePython


Template tag library for building building javascript templates using django templates

Allows for javascript templates (like mustache.js ones) to be built using the inheritence and include functionality of django-templates before being rendered to the client.

Gets around the problem of overlapping delimiters by using a different delimiter for javascript templates that is then turned into the correct one during django template rendering.

An example:


	<h1>{! title !}</h1>
	{% block content %}
	{% endblock %}


{% extends 'js_template_base.html' %}

{% block content %}
	<li>{! thing_one !}</li>
	<li>{! thing_two !}</li>
{% endblock %}


{% load jsmetatemplate %}

{% include_ichtemplate "js_template_derivative.html" %}

page_template.html will then render to:

<script type="text/html" id="js_template_derivative.html">
	<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
		<li>{{ thing_one }}</li>
		<li>{{ thing_two }}</li>