
Embed AES in HTML

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Password Protect My File


  1. bin/check_deps will check that all dependencies are satisfied
  2. make webapp will build the site pages, putting the output into pages/

Dependencies for build

Quick install:

pip install -r requirements.txt

npm install -g


Executables in $PATH

  • python
  • slimit
  • jshint
  • lessc
  • browserify

requirements.txt has the python requirements (slimit and jinja2)

package.json in the top level contains the node.js packages whose executables are required.

bin/check_deps will check that all requirements are satisfied.

Comparing Website to the code in this repo


To confirm that the code in the html page you're viewing online does in fact correspond to the code in this repo, there is a revision system in place. The pages online have a "Revision \d+" in the footer. The above script downloads the current page, checks out the corresponding revision tag, computes the two shasums and compares them.

ppmf command line utility

The root of the ppmf utility on npm is in js/.