
Race Results Web Application

Primary LanguagePython

Race Result Web Application (rrwebapp) aka scoretility


scoretility provides all a club needs to score their race results and series standings

scoretility gives a club the ability to define various race series, which races are in each series, and to collect and tabulated results for races run. When results are tabulated, standings are made available showing the current scores for all the athletes included in that series

scoretility will allow club members (and everyone else who knows the link) to

scoretility for Everyone

  • view club standings
  • view club race results
  • compare two or more participants' results

scoretility For Your Club

  • scoretility keeps different clubs' information separate, i.e., separate membership, races, division, series, results, standings, by club

scoretility Administration

scoretility will allow administrators to

  • update club membership via spreadsheet import
  • update races via spreadsheet import or add races individually
  • set up divisions
  • set up race series
  • set up which races are in which series
  • import race results from a spreadsheet or text file
    • smart import tries to match each name in the results file with a club member name, and makes suggestions for slight mismatches
    • e.g., if Jenny Jones is seen on race result, and Jennifer Jones is in the membership, Jennifer Jones will be suggested
  • adjust and confirm guesses which were made by the smart race results import
    • once confirmed, the decision made is remembered so the same guess is not made for a later results import
    • e.g., the smart import might suggest a result for John Smith matches John Smothers -- when the administrator indicates this is not correct, this association will not be suggested for future race results imports
  • tabulate results into race series results


While source code for scoretility/rrwebapp is public, this software is NOT Open Source, as defined by Open Source Initiative

If you want to use scoretility as part of your business, you must negotiate a Commercial License.

Non-Commercial License

For NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY, scoretility license follows Apache License, Version 2.0

Non-commercial use specifically includes use by Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) running clubs who provide this service as part of the standard membership. However this does not include any scoretility service provided separately by clubs which have additional charge beyond the membership fee.

Commercial License

Commercial license for this software is negotiated on an individual basis. Please contact scoretility@pobox.com for more information.