=== WP Admin Theme === Author: David Smith Author URI: http://www.cibydesign.co.uk Plugin URI: http://www.cibydesign.co.uk/resources-and-downloads/ Contributors: David Smith Donate link: http://www.cibydesign.co.uk/resources-and-downloads/ Tags: admin, theme, css Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: trunk A simple admin theme plugin that adds a custom footer and css file. A settings page enables you to edit the css and footer. == Description == A simple admin theme plugin that adds a custom footer and a css file at the very end of the admin pages head. This means you can override any css that may have been added by other plugin css. A settings page enables you to edit the css and footer. All this enables you to brand your Wordpress install. == Installation == 1. Upload the wp-admin-theme folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Edit the css and footer from settings->WP Admin Theme == Frequently Asked Questions == = Will feature x be added? = This plugin was created because I needed the current functionality. If I need extra features in the future I will add them and if I have any spare time I will add features that people request or I think would be good. If you think you can help with the coding, it's open source, hack away to add those features and tell me what you've done so we can all improve this plugin. I would be happy to mention your name/website in this readme document. Indeed, if you feel you could improve this readme, please do :) == Screenshots == 1. The settings screen. == Changelog == = 1.0 = Initial Release == To Do == * Validate fields on settings page == Browser compatibility Issues == == For the future == * Other hooks apart from admin_footer_text???
WP Admin Theme Enhanced - plugin based on https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-admin-theme