
Functional Hugo theme for academic notes.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Notes by loupbrun

A minimal theme for those who like to keep it simple. Makes use of bootstrap.

Based on the Elephants theme and Basics.


  • Responsive theme
  • High contrast
  • Focus on content and readability


From your hugo site, run:

git submodule add https://git.loupbrun.ca/louis/hugo-theme-notes.git themes/hugo-theme-notes

Writing Posts

Posts that should show up in the home page must be inside contents/post. Or you can change this behavior by tweaking themes/hugo-theme-notes/layouts/_default/list.html.

You should also add an about page at contents/about.md.

Your directory should look something like this:

├── archetypes
│   └── default.md
├── config.yaml
├── content
│   ├── about.md
│   └── seances
│       ├── 00.md
│       └── 01.md
├── data
├── layouts
├── static
│   └── images
└── themes
    └── hugo-theme-notes


Add author name

Add author name to the .Site.Params.author parameter in your config.yaml file.

See below for an example:

languageCode: fr
title: XXX000 – Notes de cours
theme: hugo-theme-notes

    author: Nom de l'auteur

Add Links to GitHub and GitLab

Add GitHub and GitLab usernames to .Site.Params.github and .Site.Params.gitlab parameters in your config.yaml file. Links to these accounts would show up in the top navigation bar. If these parameters are not present or is left blank, the links would disappear.

See below for an example:

languageCode: fr
title: XXX000 – Notes de cours
theme: hugo-theme-notes

    author: Nom de l'auteur
    github: username1
    gitlab: username2


Released under the MIT License.