
Advanced, highly customizable, cross browser, responsive grid system, supercharged with flexbox.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Advanced, highly customizable, cross-browser, responsive grid system, supercharged with flexbox.


Reflex.gs is built following the principle of progressive enhancement. It is actually a solid grid implementation that upgrades to flex if the browser has specific support View the demo here

How it works

The default layout runs on floats. Modernizr (an awesome feature detection library) adds a class to the html, which enables flex on rows and columns. You can specify a bunch of flex-related properties, but they won't be effective unless you specify display: flex on the element. This is what we're doing with Modernizr.

If you had a look at the code, you might notice that we're not targeting flexbox support directly (we're testing against the support for flex-wrap instead). Indeed, browser support is, at the moment, pretty good. However, if you have a closer look at the support details, you'll notice that a great deal of browsers actually supporting the display: flex property don't support wrapping. This means that unlike floats, your columns will not be pushed down if their total width exceeds that of the container — they will overflow the container.


  • Built on sass
  • Responsive, mobile-first approach
  • Ultra customizable (see the usage section below for more information)
  • Packaged with sass mixins for the flex properties, containing all the correct vendor prefixes (including prefixes for the old spec)
  • Includes offsets
  • Flex columns (smart columns that take up the remaining space)
  • Supports IE8+ (basic grid) and all major browsers (Chrome, FF, Opera, Safari)


Check the source code (under src/) and treat your own project as the main.scss file. Or, you can drop in the compiled css found in the dist/ directory. Download Reflex.gs

Class Reference

  • .row: flex container, must be used wrap columns (also has the clearfix for floating columns).
  • .col col-{namespace}: this creates a column that will grow/shrink depending on available space in the defined namespace (flex-only supported feature).
  • .col col-{namespace}-{number}: this creates a column that span the specific number of columns in the defined namespace. Valid numbers are (e.g.) 1-12.
  • .off-{namespace}-{number}: this will offset a column by a specific number of columns in the defined namespace. Valid numbers are (e.g.) 1-11.

Default valid namespaces are xs, sm, md, lg. The xs namespace is default and uses no media queries. Learn how to override namespaces.

Overriding Namespaces & Variables

Configuration may be achieved by changing the values in the _rflx.variables.scss file. Reflex.gs declares a variable $bp-namespace-obj (a sass map). This variable defines the breakpoints that you'd like to set and their associated namespaces.

Default configuration:

// `_rflx.variables.scss`
$number-of-columns: 12;
$gutter-width: 20px;
$bp-namespace-obj: (
  (sm, 768px),
  (md, 992px),
  (lg, 1200px)

You can add your own namespaces and breakpoints, the grid can accept as many as you give it. Reflex.gs is built from a mobile first approach, meaning you should always keep your base namespace first, this will ensure that the others cascade over it correctly.


Compiling with sass is fairly easy. To start developing on your own, the project uses Grunt to automate everything. Make sure you have npm installed (and sass, of course!).

$ npm install      // install all the build files
$ grunt dev        // regenerate the files when changed

When you're ready, you can run grunt dist to build the minified css output.

To push a new version, run grunt version::patch (x.y.Z), grunt version::minor (x.Y.z) or grunt version::major (X.y.z). This updates your package.json file as well as the version included in the stylesheet header.


  • Use of mixins to include all the vendor prefixes you will need! Keep in mind however that many browsers that support display: flex don't support wrapping (the flex-wrap property). In other words, your grid is not responsive in those browsers! Rows span wider than the screen and don't wrap as floating columns do. There is an alternative approach to use flexbox as an enhancement - check out the demo.
  • Heavy use of sometimes not often used Sass @ directives, be sure and consult the Sass docs if something looks foreign.

Coming Up:

  • Do a better demo page
  • Implement this project as an enhancement of a regular float grid - YO, check it out!