This is what I've learned about FFmpeg 3.1.1 (and SDL2 2.0.4, too). It's not exactly same as the tutorial of Dranger (see Reference) in which I've learned. Feel free to use it to upgrade version of the tutorial of Dranger, with danger of yourself :). I'm almost c/cpp/FFmpeg/SDL newbie, the source code is only runnable, not trustable, so send me pull requests if you want to correct it (Thanks anyway).
gcc & blabla for building
Ubuntu based:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
- Redhat/CentOS based:
sudo yum installgroup "Development Tools"
- FFmpeg
git clone
cd FFmpeg
git checkout refs/tags/n3.1.1
make check
sudo make install
Suggested solution for no such audio device problem
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev libpulse-dev
FILE=SDL2-2.0.4 && wget${FILE}.tar.gz && tar -zxvf ${FILE}.tar.gz && cd ${FILE}
./configure && make && sudo make install
I only known how to run ./configure, make, make check, make install and I don't want to complicate my pour knowledge with Make/CMake, I use command line gcc for compiling.
- Compile
gcc $${FILE}.c -o ${FILE} -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil -lswscale -lswresample -lm -lz -lpthread $(sdl2-config --cflags --libs)
- Run
./${FILE} path_to_video more_param_blabla
Note that if you enter problem with any *.so.*, remember to include all directories contains required *.so.* files in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Debug
gdb --agrs ./${FILE} path_to_video more_param_blabla
and hit "run"
- An Ffmpeg and SDL tutorial of Dranger
- Above tutorial source code by mpenkov(of course, Dranger has his own source code, but what I read was mpenkov source code)