Greek Roman (and Decimal) Numerals
This is a iminum project demonstrating handling of Greek and Roman numerals. Trivial, really, probably the only interesting part is that it can work with different character sets.
To build it, run:
mvn package
which will also execute the tests.
To run it, enter:
java -cp target/greek-roman-numerals-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar gr.louridas.numerals.Numerals
or, if you are using MS-Windows,
java -cp target\greek-roman-numerals-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar gr.louridas.numerals.Numerals -c Cp737
Note the -c Cp737
part; that's where you indicate the encoding in use by your terminal window. If it is not Cp737, pass the appropriate one. If you do not pass anything, UTF-8 is assumed.
When the program starts you will get a prompt:
in which you can enter an arithmetic expression of the form operand1 op operand2
or simply operand
. The operands can be numbers in decimal, roman, or greek notation. The operand can be one of +
, -
, *
, /
. The result of the expression will be displayed in all three formats. To finish, enter an empty line. For example:
>> mγ + XXI
924 mκδ CMXXIV
The Roman numerals are as described in the Roman numerals Wikipedia article. The Greek numerals also follow the relevant Green numerals Wikipedia article, with the following adaptations:
Known limitations
It works only for numbers up to 1000. It does not do any real checking; garbage in, garbage out.