Rust2C via LLVM CBE

Trying to compile Rust code to C code through LLVM CBE.

Rust code is taken from Getting Started with ECS using Planck ECS.

Building LLVM CBE on macOS

Install LLVM 11 and cmake with Homebrew

brew install llvm@11 cmake

Pull in the LLVM CBE repo

git submodule init
git submodule update

Configure and build

cd llvm-cbe
mkdir build && cd build
LLVM_DIR="$(brew --prefix)/opt/llvm@11/lib/cmake/llvm" cmake -S ..
make llvm-cbe

The result will be at rust2c-llvm-cbe/llvm-cbe/build/tools/llvm-cbe/llvm-cbe.

Emit LLVM IR with cargo

The last stable version using LLVM 11 is 1.50.0 so we change to that with rustup. In project root run:

rustup toolchain install 1.50.0
rustup override set 1.50.0

There is a bug so we disable incremental build

mkdir -p .cargo
echo 'build.incremental = false' >> .cargo/config.toml

Finally we emit LLVM IR:

cargo rustc -- --emit=llvm-ir

The results will be in rust2c-llvm-cbe/target/debug/deps with suffix .ll.

Build binary via llvm-cbe



Cross build the Rust part of pyca/cryptography to m86k.
