
Epitope b cells predictor

Primary LanguagePython

CALIBER - Conformational And LInear B cell Epitopes pRediction


All the trained models are on the website - https://caliber.math.biu.ac.il/, and can be predicted directly through the website. You can also use a git code for this

The test data can be in 3 different formats (sequnces in /fasta format, PDB IDs, PDB Files) main.py --mode predict --init XXX --model XXX --epi XXX --test_seq_input XXX main.py --mode predict --init XXX --model XXX --epi XXX --test_pdb_path XXX main.py --mode predict --init XXX --model XXX --epi XXX --test_pdb_list XXX

For example: main.py --mode predict --init Random --model BiLSTM --epi Nonlinear --test_seq_input data/nonlinear_test.fasta


main.py --mode train --init XXX --model XXX --epi XXX --train_path XXX --test_path XXX

For example: main.py --mode train --init Random --model BiLSTM --epi Linear --train_path data/linear_train.csv --test_path data/linear_test.csv


Parameter Description Required Options
--mode pradiction using the pre trained model or training True "predict", "train"
--init Choose the protein-encoding True "Kidera" ,"Random", "Kidera+bio", "ESM-2"
--model Choose the model architecture True "BiLSTM" ,"GCN", "Boosting"
--epi Choose the epitope sequences True "Linear", "Nonlinear", "Both"
--train_path Path to the training data only for train path for the trainig data
--test_path Path to the testing data only for train path for the test data
--test_seq_input Path to predict data in FASTA format False path for the data in string
--test_pdb_path Path to the predict data of PDB files False path for folder with PDB files
--test_pdb_list Path to the predict data of PDB IDs in a list False path for file including PDB IDs