Backend take-home assignment


Our company is building a LinkedIn-like application for real-estate agents. As a backend engineer, you are building & maintaining a few endpoints that enable our users to (1) send, (2) accept, and (3) decline friend requests, as well as (4) view their friends' profiles.


This take-home assignment aims to assess the followings:

  • Your competence in Javascript/TypeScript & their ecosystem
  • Your competence in SQL
  • Your ability to follow instructions
  • Your ability to adapt to a new codebase
  • Your ability to read documents
  • Your ability to "Google" & "Stackoverflow" your way to the answers


  1. Clone the repo to your computer
  2. Run yarn install
  3. Run yarn db:push
  4. Run yarn test

NOTE: Though not compulsory, it's highly recommend that you use VSCode, with the following Extensions:

  • ESLint (enabled)
  • Prettier (disabled)


There are only 2 tables in our applications: users and friendships. You can view their structures in src/server/db/schema.prisma.

You will be strictly working on & making changes to the following files below. Do not create new files or make any changes to any other files in the repo.

  • src/server/api/routers/friendship-request-router.ts
  • src/server/api/routers/my-friend-router.ts
  • src/server/tests/friendship-request.test.ts

There are 4 questions in total. Though not enforced, we highly recommend that you do them in order. There are further instructions embeded in the questions.

NOTE: if the links to the questions do not work, you can find them in the following files

  • src/server/api/routers/friendship-request-router.ts
  • src/server/api/routers/my-friend-router.ts

After you finish the test, do a self-assessment by completing the checklist in the Checklist section below.

Finally, publish the finished repo to your Github, then send the url to the repo via email to and


  • Attempt Question 1
  • Attempt Question 2
  • Attempt Question 3
  • Attempt Question 4
  • Finish Question 1
  • Finish Question 2
  • Finish Question 3
  • Finish Question 4
  • Run yarn lint with no errors
  • Run yarn type-check with no errors
  • Pass test Question 1 / Scenario 1
  • Pass test Question 1 / Scenario 2
  • Pass test Question 2 / Scenario 1
  • Pass test Question 3 / Scenario 1
  • Pass test Question 3 / Scenario 2
  • Pass test Question 4 / Scenario 1
  • Pass test Question 4 / Scenario 2