is a Haskell module that arranges multiple Data.Text.Text
instances into a single table layout, while providing means of alignment
and visual decoration. The only exported function of the module is tabl
:: Environment -- ^ output environment
-> Decoration -- ^ horizontal decorations
-> Decoration -- ^ vertical decorations
-> [Alignment] -- ^ column alignments
-> [[T.Text]] -- ^ table cell data
-> T.Text -- ^ resulting table
An example output of the tabl
function within the ASCII-art environment:
$ ./Constants
| Name | SI Unit | Value |
| Speed of light | m/s | 299792458 |
| Atmosphere | Pa | 101325 |
| Absolute zero | C | -273.15 |
There are two ways of obtaining the Text.Tabl
module: Hackage and source
code from the git repository. While the Hackage version is a stable
release of the module, the GitHub version is the development branch and
might not always compile or function properly.
$ cabal install tabl
$ git clone https://github.com/lovasko/tabl.git
$ cd tabl/
$ stack build --pedantic --haddock
strives to be as lightweight as possible and depends only on
the following three packages:
It is written in the Haskell 2010 language and uses the
The following sections provide detailed description of the layout settings, which can be separated into three categories: environment adaptation, column alignments, and both vertical and horizontal decoration.
The meaning and realisation of a table layout is dependant on the context
it appears in: a Markdown or HTML table is different from a ASCII-art one
showcased in the introductory section. The Text.Tabl
module currently
supports two contexts represented by the Environment
denoting the ASCII-art approachEnvLatex
denoting the LaTeX source code
The way that the codebase is organised makes adding new environments easy:
apart from the actual layout code, the process boils down to creating a
new Environment
constructor and adding the appropriate pattern matching
rule in the main tabl
While the introductory example is using the EnvAscii
environment, the
output of equivalent table within the EnvLatex
would look like this:
\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | r | }
Name & SI Unit & Value \\
Speed of light & m/s & 299792458 \\
Atmosphere & Pa & 101325 \\
Absolute zero & C & -273.15 \\
The library provides five alignment options on per-column basis
represented by the Alignment
data type and its constructors:
AlignText T.Text
AlignIndex (T.Text -> Maybe Int)
The first three alignments provide basic self-describing alignments, while
allows for centering around a first matching substring within each
cell. AlignIndex
provides a bit more flexibility where a function matches a
position within the cell content, e.g. first non-alphanumeric character or a
first upper-case letter. In case any of the two latter alignments fail to
match, the whole content defaults to behaviour identical to AlignLeft
It is possible, much like with Haskell functions and their arguments, to
only partially specify the table alignments, starting from the left-most
column. The default alignment is AlignLeft
- which means that passing
the empty list []
as the list of alignments to the tabl
function will
result in a table with all columns and their respective cells aligned to
the left.
Another added value by the Text.Tabl
module is the process of decorating
the table by visually separating columns and rows. Both the decoration
process and decoration interface are decomposed into two dimensions:
horizontal and vertical, while both at being treated equally.
Each space between two rows or two columns is indexed, where the top and
left spaces share the index zero. Therefore, if a table is comprised of
rows, there are (inclusive) 0..n
positions that could possibly hold
The description of the decoration is embodied in the Decoration
specifically within one (or more) of its constructors:
DecorOnly [Int]
DecorExcept [Int]
DecorUnion [Decoration]
DecorIsect [Decoration]
Essentially, the most powerful decoration constructors are DecorOnly
, which allow for a precise selection of indices that should
contain the decoration. Other decoration definitions, such as DecorInner
or DecorAll
are convenience constructors that help the user achieve a
set goal without the need to specify the width nor the height of the
Moreover, the DecorUnion
and DecorIsect
constructors are used to
perform set operations on top of a list of decorations - union and
intersection respectively.
It is important to note that none of the constructors that take a list as an argument work with infinite lists, as they would just block indefinitely. The examples listed below demonstrate various decoration options and can be used as a further study material on this topic.
The following section contain various examples that use the Text.Tabl
library to render textual data.
The following code recreates the table from the introductory section:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Text.Tabl
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- | Table containing few physics constants.
main :: IO ()
main = T.putStrLn $ tabl EnvAscii hdecor vdecor aligns cells
hdecor = DecorUnion [DecorOuter, DecorOnly [1]]
vdecor = DecorAll
aligns = [AlignLeft, AlignLeft, AlignRight]
cells = [ ["Name", "SI Unit", "Value"]
, ["Speed of light", "m/s", "299792458"]
, ["Atmosphere", "Pa", "101325"]
, ["Absolute zero", "C", "-273.15"] ]
The following code lists all users (their IDs, names and full descriptions) on the system:
import System.Posix.User
import Text.Tabl
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- | Create a table row for one user entry.
:: UserEntry -- ^ user
-> [T.Text] -- ^ table row
createRow ue = map T.pack [show $ userID ue, userName ue, userGecos ue]
-- | Table containing all system users and their respective basic
-- information.
main :: IO ()
main = do
users <- getAllUserEntries
let cells = map createRow users
T.putStrLn $ tabl EnvAscii hdecor vdecor aligns cells
hdecor = DecorNone
vdecor = DecorNone
aligns = [AlignRight]
After compiling and running the code, we get:
$ ./Users | tail -7
66 uucp UUCP pseudo-user
68 pop Post Office Owner
78 auditdistd Auditdistd unprivileged user
80 www World Wide Web Owner
845 hast HAST unprivileged user
65534 nobody Unprivileged user
964 git_daemon git daemon
The following code creates a random (possibly invalid) state of the famous child game Tic-tac-toe and renders the playing area:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Word
import Safe
import System.Random
import Text.Tabl
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- | Table containing the play grid of tic-tac-toe.
main :: IO ()
main = do
xs <- replicateM 9 randomIO :: IO [Word8]
let cells = chunksOf 3 $ map (mark . (`mod` 3)) xs
T.putStrLn $ tabl EnvAscii hdecor vdecor aligns cells
mark x = lookupJust x [(0, " "), (1, "X"), (2, "O")]
hdecor = DecorAll
vdecor = DecorAll
aligns = []
An example run of the compiled program:
$ ./TicTacToe
| O | X | X |
| | O | |
| O | | |
The following code will create a simple elementary-school-level
multiplication table based on the provided integer n
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import System.Environment
import Text.Tabl
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- | Create the multiplication table.
:: Int -- ^ table side size
-> [[T.Text]] -- ^ multiplication table
numbers n = header : zipWith (:) digits content
header = " " : digits
digits = map (T.pack . show) [1..n]
content = map (map (T.pack . show)) mults
mults = map (flip map [1..n] . (*)) [1..n]
-- | Table containing basic integer products.
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
let cells = numbers (read n)
T.putStrLn $ tabl EnvAscii hdecor vdecor aligns cells
hdecor = DecorOnly [1]
vdecor = DecorOnly [1]
aligns = repeat AlignRight
When running the code with e.g. n = 7
$ ./Multiply 7
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
3 | 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
4 | 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
5 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
6 | 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
7 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
The following creates a table of values 100/n
, where 0 < n < 21
. This
example showcases alignment around the decimal dot character, which increases
the readability of floating-point numbers.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import System.Environment
import Text.Tabl
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- | Create the division table.
:: Int -- ^ number of rows
-> T.Text -- ^ resulting table
table n = tabl EnvAscii hdecor vdecor aligns cells
hdecor = DecorUnion [DecorIf (\x -> mod x 5 == 0), DecorOuter]
vdecor = DecorAll
aligns = [AlignRight, AlignText "."]
cells = zipWith (\x y -> [x, y]) xs ys
xs = map (T.pack . show . round) nums
ys = map (T.pack . take 5 . show . (100.0 /)) nums
nums = take n $ iterate (+1.0) 1.0
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= (\[n] -> T.putStrLn (table (read n)))
The code above produces the following table:
$ ./Decimals 12
| 1 | 100.0 |
| 2 | 50.0 |
| 3 | 33.33 |
| 4 | 25.0 |
| 5 | 20.0 |
| 6 | 16.66 |
| 7 | 14.28 |
| 8 | 12.5 |
| 9 | 11.11 |
| 10 | 10.0 |
| 11 | 9.090 |
| 12 | 8.333 |
The following example lists all regular files stored in the /var/log
directory and prints out their sizes in a human-readable form. This example
showcases the AlignIndex
which aligns the column based on a predicate. In
this case, we want to align on the first character that is not a letter from
the alphabet.
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Data.Char
import System.Posix.Directory
import System.Posix.Files
import Text.Tabl
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- | Compute a human-readable size of a file.
:: FileStatus -- ^ file handle
-> String -- ^ human-readable size representation
computeSize status
| size > (mega * 2) = show (round (size / mega) :: Integer) ++ "MB"
| size > (kilo * 2) = show (round (size / kilo) :: Integer) ++ "kB"
| otherwise = show (round size :: Integer) ++ "B"
size = fromIntegral $ fileSize status :: Double
mega = 1024 * 1024 :: Double
kilo = 1024 :: Double
-- | List all files in a directory.
:: FilePath -- ^ directory path
-> IO [(String, FileStatus)] -- ^ directory contents (path, status)
listDirectory dir = do
stream <- openDirStream dir
names <- unfoldWhileM (not . null) (readDirStream stream)
closeDirStream stream
handles <- mapM (getFileStatus . (concat [dir, "/"] ++)) names
return $ zip names handles
-- | List header files in /var/log and their respective sizes.
main :: IO ()
main = do
files <- listDirectory "/var/log"
let files' = filter (isRegularFile . snd) files
let files'' = map (second computeSize) files'
let aligns = [AlignLeft, AlignIndex (T.findIndex isAlpha)]
let cells = map (\(name, size) -> [T.pack name, T.pack size]) files''
T.putStrLn $ tabl EnvAscii DecorNone DecorAll aligns cells
A sample run could look like this:
$ ./FileSizes | tail -n +24 | head -n +10
| CDIS.custom | 12B |
| daily.out | 7MB |
| displaypolicyd.log | 111kB |
| displaypolicyd.stdout.log | 50kB |
| fsck_hfs.log | 856kB |
| fuse-ext2_util.log | 4kB |
| hdiejectd.log | 5kB |
| install.log | 32MB |
| monthly.out | 7kB |
| notifyd.log | 0B |
The tabl
module is licensed under the terms of the 2-clause BSD
license. For more information please consult the LICENSE
file. In case you need a different license, feel free to contact the
Daniel Lovasko daniel.lovasko@gmail.com