
simple mock json use in front-end

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • have setup nodejs,bower environment
  • execute npm install and bower install to download all depended packages
  • make sure you have a directory named json under the current project. If not, create one

Usage (command usage)

  • execute node app.js will start a mock server, then browse the url in browser
  • you can also set default HOST or PORT by input the params. node app.js -a -p 8088, -a or -p is optional , you can use each of them or both . such as node app.js -a or node app.js -p 8088


  • After you have start a mock server, you can see all mock json
  • ADD mock json: click "ADD" button then you will go to add page. If your api is, you may input URL /getUsers and JSON value(must be validate json format) and submit
  • Modify mock json: you may modify the json value and click Modify button to save this change.
  • Delete mock json: you may delete a json by clicked Delete button
  • How to use as server ? You may use mock server url (such as: in your front-end. ATTENTTION: add mock before method getUsers


  • v1.0.0 initialized by Will at 2016/03/08