
add rsa encryt for postman

Primary LanguageJavaScript



you can skip following setting steps, and using example code(pre-script) directly to test a RSA encrypt (see how to use it)


this project is based on forge Project

how to build

First you need to install node and git on your pc.

clone forge and install

git clone https://github.com/digitalbazaar/forge.git
cd /path/to/your/dir
npm install

modify configure

modifywebpack.config.js, replace umd with var

  const bundle = Object.assign({}, common, {
    output: {
      path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
      filename: info.filenameBase + '.js',
      library: info.library || '[name]',
      libraryTarget: info.libraryTarget || 'var'
  if(info.library === null) {
    delete bundle.output.library;
  if(info.libraryTarget === null) {
    delete bundle.output.libraryTarget;

  // optimized and minified bundle
  const minify = Object.assign({}, common, {
    output: {
      path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
      filename: info.filenameBase + '.min.js',
      library: info.library || '[name]',
      libraryTarget: info.libraryTarget || 'var'
    devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map',
    plugins: [
      new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
        sourceMap: true,
        compress: {
          warnings: true
        output: {
          comments: false
        //beautify: true


npm run build

then in dist folder, we'll find a file named forge.js, that's what we need.

how to use it

because Postman can not load js file from local disk, so we put forge.js on a web server(url on github seems not work, a local server may works or add a varible forgeJS manully).

EDIT: using github raw format works, so you guys can using this example directly


//download forgeJS from web and set varible

if (!pm.globals.has("forgeJS")) {
    pm.sendRequest("", function (err, res) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            pm.globals.set("forgeJS", res.text());
} else {


    const public_key = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n' +
        'X/jflZ2dK65oM/Bxii2Iba80IiC9+Sa1phmOVDAk+IVDsPNZ+YJ2Qg0hPmoLSLxe\n' +
        'f2A6ySJPl5su8TaGOuVZg1SRyk55bjHymQUnxryD/ml1EmBUaGcrs9FCiVBy38kg\n' +
        'eZNbCexucVQxn6OYlwIDAQAB\n' +
        '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'

    const private_key = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n' +
        'MIICeAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmIwggJeAgEAAoGBAM5Gg5JbaBseXqz9\n' +
        'iZLWNbFv3nhf+N+VnZ0rrmgz8HGKLYhtrzQiIL35JrWmGY5UMCT4hUOw81n5gnZC\n' +
        'DSE+agtIvF5/YDrJIk+Xmy7xNoY65VmDVJHKTnluMfKZBSfGvIP+aXUSYFRoZyuz\n' +
        '0UKJUHLfySB5k1sJ7G5xVDGfo5iXAgMBAAECgYEAk6KQZN4bQt2XsYS9RGUghOCm\n' +
        'f81g2NXCu00aROZ3vyvArxaiAVQzzwRWGkjJnb7PvoZJC0vIwKr+HxnjP9nmFufd\n' +
        '+0EnBT+imYSzrfZhfGGwyI6EIyy/XcoW5lf0xltx3w9mJicnR9kMzNtZ5mNGPMNn\n' +
        'CgAgjvZqnWYb+f6tb/ECQQD0tdpg8ts3puXclPe51my+LbKhEbyFSMzvtMTDCRmO\n' +
        'd0jrmZhQomsZacC8+l+2l6WTj5vrhVQlAVUeUJ7kldQNAkEA18q53wor6a4Cv0OL\n' +
        'xFzBWXRCMVFfyCWAFQUpTSGrIM/X4Lx30IZCShtvkdh1ky39b9T6lpOjES7MK4Dh\n' +
        'xttCMwJAUGBi6DEcm/zvxzIO5DVv5k9wOsNunoC4/4rqjf0xLcA0bV43z1RpxSEd\n' +
        'M3UxdvH8aqli10slxjnX0Ws9pWspCQJBALqSncgYzETbXaauqO5a4BUOrphjafPr\n' +
        'cGU8NCxrGsFg0p6NdO5G1pOqSvmHdIiPL9t8AjkkZs3Zb0+BvDOpqP8CQQDZhfh4\n' +
        '/c/Qzp4szj7+GXTZ1cmGwAuFo2/9uiumUAS3f19EpgoV9u9eyJ4gZPEBDvAjO961\n' +
        'kAjdja4DAy4SbCXy\n' +
        '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----'

    //encrypt text "plaintext"
    var publicKey = forge.pki.publicKeyFromPem(public_key);
    var encryptedText = forge.util.encode64(publicKey.encrypt("plaintext", 'RSA-OAEP', {
        md: forge.md.sha1.create(),
        mgf1: {
            md: forge.md.sha1.create()
    console.log("encrypted text:" + encryptedText);

    // decrypt text
    var privateKey = forge.pki.privateKeyFromPem(private_key);
    var decryptedText = privateKey.decrypt(forge.util.decode64(encryptedText), 'RSA-OAEP', {
        md: forge.md.sha1.create(),
        mgf1: {
            md: forge.md.sha1.create()

    console.log("dectypted text:" + decryptedText);


you can use rsa encrypt in postman now! example

something else

about web server

if you don't want to use a web server, you an simply create a globle varible named forgeJS and copy content in forge.js to the value(postman may be very slow because the file is big)

how to delete the varible

because of forgeJS varible, it may be very diffcuilt to edit other varible in postman, to solve this, you can delete the forgeJS varible


document about RSA encrypt



this thing is a temporary solution, we all hope postman can support RSA encrypt oneday officially.