
With these modifications in framework, you can use ViewPager in Widget.

Primary LanguageJava


With these modifications in framework, you can use ViewPager in Widget.

All modifications are surrounded by comment like:

        //merged by HP started
        else if ((v != null) && (v instanceof ViewPager)){
            ViewPager vp = (ViewPager) v;
            //Log.i(TAG, "viewDataChanged, vp.getAdapter() == null?" + (vp.getAdapter() == null));
            if(vp.getAdapter() != null){
            }  else if (vp.getAdapter() == null && vp instanceof RemoteAdapterConnectionCallback) {
                // If the adapter is null, it may mean that the RemoteViewsAapter has not yet
                // connected to its associated service, and hence the adapter hasn't been set.
                // In this case, we need to defer the notify call until it has been set.
                ((RemoteAdapterConnectionCallback) vp).deferNotifyDataSetChanged();
        //merged by HP ended 

You can just search key words "HP" to find where are these modifications.