

Primary LanguageObjective-C


A simply HUDView


Drag ACMaskHUDView folder into your project. 
#import "ACMaskHUDView.h  


  • Initialization
// set delegate to your class
@interface YourViewController () <ACMaskHUDViewDelegate>

// add to your view
self.maskHUDView = [[ACMaskHUDView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
self.maskHUDView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:self.maskHUDView];
  • ActivityIndicatorHUD
// show
[self.maskHUDView showActivityIndicatorHUD];

// show with text
[self.maskHUDView showActivityIndicatorHUDWithText:@"your loading string"];

  • RefreshHUD
// show 
[self.maskHUDView showRefreshHUD];

// show with a describe label
[self.maskHUDView showRefreshHUDWithText:@"your refresh describe"];

#pragma mark - ACMaskHUDViewDelegate

- (void)refreshButtonTapped
    // refresh action

  • NoticeHUD
// Show NoticeHUD with title and detail string, or title only or detail only.
// If both text string are nil, will simply show a "!" at center.
[self.maskHUDView showNoticeHUDWithTitleText:@"your notice title"
                                  detailText:@"your notice detail"];

  • Hide HUD
// Whatever it is showing hide it immediately.
[self.maskHUDView hideHUD];

// Hide with a duration time to fadeout and with or without a completion block 
[self.maskHUDView hideHUDWithDuration:0.4f completion:nil];
  • Rotation support
No need to do anything, it will fit CGRect automatically.
  • Notice
// If you want to show another HUD when you are already showing one, 
// just call show function, no need to call hide function before.

// For example, when you are requesting some data from network, 
// you are showing the ActivityIndicatorHUD at first, 
// when request failed, you want to show a RefreshHUD instead. 
// Just call RefreshHUD show function will be enough.
[self.maskHUDView showActivityIndicatorHUDWithText:@"loading..."];
[self.maskHUDView showRefreshHUDWithText:@"Loading error, please try again."];

// Especially notice this, if you are using 'hideHUDWithDuration:completion:' ,
// and you are going to show another HUD, call show function in completion block
[self.maskHUDView hideHUDWithDuration:0.36f completion:^(BOOL finished) {
    [self.maskHUDView showNoticeHUDWithTitleText:nil


  • ARC

  • iOS 7+

