
Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Experimental Kotlin Rewrite of apgdiff

Build Status

Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool is free PostgreSQL diff tool that is useful for comparison/diffing of database schemas dumped via pg_dump.

Install and run locally

./gradlew installDist
./build/install/apgdiff/bin/apgdiff --help 

Build and run Docker Image

The executable in the docker image is built using GraalVM so there is no need for a JRE at runtime only libc.

./gradlew buildDockerImage
docker run --rm lovelysystems/apgdiff:dev --help

Note that this native image is only compiled towards the platform the docker build is running on. So for example if you build on an M1 Mac it will generate an arm64 executable.

There is currently no cross compilation possible directly by native-image see oracle/graal#407


This project is a kotlin rewrite of https://github.com/netwo-io/apgdiff . The original project can be found ot https://www.apgdiff.com/.