

shawn846520 opened this issue · 1 comments



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<hdevelop file_version="1.1" halcon_version="17.12">
<procedure name="main">
<c>* 此程序参照例程calibration_sheet_of_light_calplate.hdev</c>
<l>dev_update_off ()</l>
<l>dev_close_window ()</l>
<l>read_image (ProfileImage, './ProfileImage_L.bmp')</l>
<l>get_image_size (ProfileImage, Width, Height)</l>
<l>dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle)</l>
<l>dev_set_draw ('margin')</l>
<l>dev_set_line_width (3)</l>
<l>dev_set_color ('lime green')</l>
<l>dev_set_lut ('default')</l>
<l>set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')</l>
<c>* 第一次标定数据</c>
<c>* 第一次标定的数据有内参和外参。其中内参是畸变,外参是相对位姿,该位姿是整个个系统的标准。</c>
<l>CameraParameters := ['area_scan_division',0.0122183,-1106.37,3.42648e-06,3.45e-06,1265.86,1033.39,2448,2048]</l>
<l>CameraPose := [-0.0128994,-0.0281569,0.234878,325.441,0.177233,179.927,0]</l>
<l>stop ()</l>
<l>PoseL :=[-0.0312937,-0.0427627,0.269893,321.431,358.718,175.582,0]</l>
<l>PoseH := [-0.0241666,-0.010946,0.200405,326.692,359.457,178.002,0]</l>
<c>*既 标定数据 PoseL\PoseH 两次所得的光条图片(这里有个小坑,光条图需要处理下哦,具体看文件)</c>
<l>read_image (ProfileImage1, './ProfileImage_L.bmp')//低处的光条图</l>
<l>compute_3d_coordinates_of_light_line (ProfileImage1, 80, CameraParameters, [], PoseL, X19, Y19, Z19) //这里需要注意第一个Pose为空值</l>
<l>read_image (ProfileImage2, './ProfileImage_H.bmp')//高处的光条图</l>
<l>compute_3d_coordinates_of_light_line (ProfileImage2, 80, CameraParameters, PoseH, PoseL, X20, Y20, Z20) //这里是第一个高位,第二个低位</l>
<l>fit_3d_plane_xyz ([X19,X20], [Y19,Y20], [Z19,Z20], Ox, Oy, Oz, Nx, Ny, Nz, MeanResidual)</l>
<l>get_light_plane_pose (Ox, Oy, Oz, Nx, Ny, Nz, LightPlanePose) //输出光平面位姿</l>
<c>*标定板起始位标定一次,然后移动一段距离后再标定一次(其中,移动距离根据 相机的Fps/时间差 = 距离)(存疑)</c>
<l>MovePoseStart := [-0.0236051,0.00302755,0.200835,324.381,357.449,355.023,0]</l>
<l>MovePoseEnd := [-0.0253978,-0.0205769,0.210492,325.67,357.288,354.81,0]</l>
<l>StepNumber := 40  //移动步长</l>
<l>CalTabThickness:=0.0032 //标定版厚度</l>
<l>pose_to_hom_mat3d (MovePoseStart, HomMat3DPos1ToCamera)</l>
<l>pose_to_hom_mat3d (MovePoseEnd, HomMat3DPos20ToCamera)</l>
<l>pose_to_hom_mat3d (CameraPose, HomMat3DWorldToCamera)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_invert (HomMat3DWorldToCamera, HomMat3DCameraToWorld)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3DCameraToWorld, HomMat3DPos1ToCamera, HomMat3DPos1ToWorld)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3DCameraToWorld, HomMat3DPos20ToCamera, HomMat3DPos20ToWorld)</l>
<l>affine_trans_point_3d (HomMat3DPos1ToWorld, 0, 0, 0, StartX, StartY, StartZ)</l>
<l>affine_trans_point_3d (HomMat3DPos20ToWorld, 0, 0, 0, EndX, EndY, EndZ)</l>
<l>create_pose (EndX - StartX, EndY - StartY, EndZ - StartZ, 0, 0, 0, 'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', MovementPoseNSteps)</l>
<l>MovementPose := MovementPoseNSteps / StepNumber  //移动位姿</l>
<docu id="main">
<procedure name="compute_3d_coordinates_of_light_line">
<par name="ProfileImage" base_type="iconic" dimension="0"/>
<par name="MinGray" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="CameraParameters" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="LocalCameraPose" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="ReferenceCameraPose" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="X" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Y" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Z" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<c>* This procedure computes the 3D-coordinates of the light</c>
<c>* line points</c>
<c>* The extraction of the coordinates of light line points in</c>
<c>* the image coordinate system is performed by using the</c>
<c>* operator measure_profile_sheet_of_light.</c>
<c>* The 3D-coordinates are computed by projecting the extracted</c>
<c>* coordinates to the plane z=0 of the local coordinate system.</c>
<c>* Then those coordinates are transformed to the reference pose.</c>
<c>* Note that if no local coordinate system is explicitly</c>
<c>* provided, the reference coordinate system is used instead.</c>
<c>* WARNING: if the profile is not oriented roughly horizontal</c>
<c>*          empty tuples are returned for X, Y and Z.</c>
<c>* Initialize the output controls</c>
<l>X := []</l>
<l>Y := []</l>
<l>Z := []</l>
<c>* Check LocalCameraPose in order to determine if a transform</c>
<c>* has to be applied after the projection from the camera to</c>
<c>* the z=0 plane</c>
<l>if (LocalCameraPose == [])</l>
<l>    DoTransform := 0</l>
<l>    LocalCameraPose := ReferenceCameraPose</l>
<l>elseif (LocalCameraPose == ReferenceCameraPose)</l>
<l>    DoTransform := 0</l>
<l>    DoTransform := 1</l>
<c>* Compute the pose for the projection of the</c>
<c>* local coordinate system to the plane z=0</c>
<l>pose_to_hom_mat3d (LocalCameraPose, HomMat3D_LocalToCam)</l>
<c>* Compute the homography which transform the 3D-coordinates</c>
<c>* of points from the local coordinate system to the reference</c>
<c>* coordinate system</c>
<l>if (DoTransform)</l>
<l>    pose_to_hom_mat3d (ReferenceCameraPose, HomMat3D_ReferenceToCam)</l>
<l>    hom_mat3d_invert (HomMat3D_ReferenceToCam, HomMat3D_CamToReference)</l>
<l>    hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3D_CamToReference, HomMat3D_LocalToCam, HomMat3D_LocalToReference)</l>
<c>* Determine the profile region and test if the profile is</c>
<c>* oriented roughly horizontal</c>
<l>threshold (ProfileImage, Region, MinGray, 999999999)</l>
<l>orientation_region (Region, Phi)</l>
<l>if (cos(Phi) &gt; cos(rad(135)) and cos(Phi) &lt; cos(rad(45)))</l>
<c>    * The detected profile is NOT oriented roughly horizontal,</c>
<c>    * therefore return empty tuples X, Y and Z.</c>
<l>    return ()</l>
<l>dilation_circle (Region, RegionDilation, 5.5)</l>
<l>smallest_rectangle1 (RegionDilation, Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2)</l>
<l>gen_rectangle1 (ProfileRegion, Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2)</l>
<l>get_domain (ProfileImage, Domain)</l>
<l>intersection (ProfileRegion, Domain, ProfileRegion)</l>
<c>* Get the 2D-coordinates of the points on the light line</c>
<l>create_sheet_of_light_model (ProfileRegion, ['min_gray','num_profiles'], [MinGray,1], SheetOfLightHandle)</l>
<l>measure_profile_sheet_of_light (ProfileImage, SheetOfLightHandle, [])</l>
<l>get_sheet_of_light_result (Disparity, SheetOfLightHandle, 'disparity')</l>
<c>* Get the 3D-coordinates of the points on the light line</c>
<c>* in the coordinate system defined by ReferenceCameraPose</c>
<l>get_domain (Disparity, DisparityDomain)</l>
<l>get_region_points (DisparityDomain, Rows, Columns)</l>
<l>get_grayval (Disparity, Rows, Columns, Disparities)</l>
<c>* Project those points to the z=0 plane of the WCS</c>
<l>image_points_to_world_plane (CameraParameters, LocalCameraPose, Disparities, Columns + Column1, 1.0, X, Y)</l>
<l>tuple_gen_const (|Columns|, 0.0, Z)</l>
<c>* If necessary, transform the 3D-coordinates from the</c>
<c>* local coordinate system to the reference coordinate</c>
<c>* system</c>
<l>if (DoTransform)</l>
<l>    affine_trans_point_3d (HomMat3D_LocalToReference, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z)</l>
<l>return ()</l>
<docu id="compute_3d_coordinates_of_light_line">
<parameter id="CameraParameters"/>
<parameter id="LocalCameraPose"/>
<parameter id="MinGray"/>
<parameter id="ProfileImage"/>
<parameter id="ReferenceCameraPose"/>
<parameter id="X"/>
<parameter id="Y"/>
<parameter id="Z"/>
<procedure name="fit_3d_plane_xyz">
<par name="X" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Y" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Z" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Ox" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Oy" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Oz" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Nx" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Ny" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="Nz" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="MeanResidual" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<c>* This procedure fits a 3D-plane into a set of 3D-points</c>
<c>* The procedure returns the coordinates [Ox, Oy,Oz] of</c>
<c>* the centroid of the provided input coordinates, and</c>
<c>* the coordinates [Nx, Ny,Nz] of the normal vector to</c>
<c>* the fitted plane.</c>
<c>* WARNING: If the system of equations is under-determined</c>
<c>* (i.e. if it has too few input coordinates in X, Y, Z),</c>
<c>* it cannot be solved and the procedure returns empty tuples</c>
<c>* for X, Y, and Z</c>
<c>* Perform some initializations</c>
<l>Ox := []</l>
<l>Oy := []</l>
<l>Oz := []</l>
<l>Nx := []</l>
<l>Ny := []</l>
<l>Nz := []</l>
<l>MeanResidual := []</l>
<c>* Test the size of X, Y and Z, and return if necessary</c>
<l>Size := |X|</l>
<l>if (Size &lt; 3 or Size != |Y| or Size != |Z|)</l>
<l>    return ()</l>
<c>* Compute the coordinates of the centroid point.</c>
<l>tuple_mean (X, Ox)</l>
<l>tuple_mean (Y, Oy)</l>
<l>tuple_mean (Z, Oz)</l>
<c>* Setup the equation system as a matrix M and compute</c>
<c>* its singular value decomposition. The singular vector</c>
<c>* of M corresponding to its smallest singular value provides</c>
<c>* the coordinates of the normal vector of the fitted plane.</c>
<l>create_matrix (3, |X|, [X - Ox,Y - Oy,Z - Oz], MatrixID_Mt)</l>
<l>transpose_matrix (MatrixID_Mt, MatrixID_M)</l>
<l>svd_matrix (MatrixID_M, 'reduced', 'right', MatrixID_U, MatrixID_S, MatrixID_V)</l>
<l>get_value_matrix (MatrixID_S, [0,1,2], [0,1,2], SingularvaluesOfM)</l>
<l>tuple_sort_index (SingularvaluesOfM, Indices)</l>
<c>* Test if more than one singular value of M is (nearly) equal</c>
<c>* to zero. This indicates that the provided 3d points are</c>
<c>* inappropriate to fit the plane (e.g. they are nearly</c>
<c>* collinear or reduce to a single point).</c>
<l>if (SingularvaluesOfM[Indices[0]] &lt; 1e-9 and SingularvaluesOfM[Indices[1]] &lt; 1e-9)</l>
<l>    return ()</l>
<c>* Get coordinates of the normal vector to the fitted plane</c>
<l>get_value_matrix (MatrixID_V, [0,1,2], [Indices[0],Indices[0],Indices[0]], N)</l>
<l>create_matrix (3, 1, N, MatrixID_N)</l>
<l>Nx := N[0]</l>
<l>Ny := N[1]</l>
<l>Nz := N[2]</l>
<c>* Compute the mean residual distance between the 3d points</c>
<c>* and the fitted plane, in order to guess the quality of</c>
<c>* the fitted plane:</c>
<l>mult_matrix (MatrixID_M, MatrixID_N, 'AB', MatrixID_MN)</l>
<l>get_full_matrix (MatrixID_MN, Distances)</l>
<l>Distances := abs(Distances)</l>
<l>MeanResidual := sum(Distances) / Size</l>
<l>return ()</l>
<docu id="fit_3d_plane_xyz">
<parameter id="MeanResidual"/>
<parameter id="Nx"/>
<parameter id="Ny"/>
<parameter id="Nz"/>
<parameter id="Ox"/>
<parameter id="Oy"/>
<parameter id="Oz"/>
<parameter id="X"/>
<parameter id="Y"/>
<parameter id="Z"/>
<procedure name="get_light_plane_pose">
<par name="OriginX" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="OriginY" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="OriginZ" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="NormalVectorX" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="NormalVectorY" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="NormalVectorZ" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<par name="LightPlanePose" base_type="ctrl" dimension="0"/>
<c>* This procedure determines a lightplane pose,</c>
<c>* e.g. a pose whose plane defined by z=0 coincides</c>
<c>* with the physical light plane.</c>
<c>* Test that the vector passed at input is not null</c>
<l>LightPlanePose := []</l>
<l>Norm := NormalVectorX * NormalVectorX + NormalVectorY * NormalVectorY + NormalVectorZ * NormalVectorZ</l>
<l>if (abs(Norm) &lt; 1e-8)</l>
<l>    return ()</l>
<c>* In order to compute a light-plane pose, we determine</c>
<c>* two rotations which align the unit vector of the z-axis</c>
<c>* to the normal vector of the light plane, when applied</c>
<c>* successively. For example, we can compute the angles</c>
<c>* Alpha (rotation around the x-axis) and Beta (subsequent</c>
<c>* rotation around the y-axis) in this successive order.</c>
<c>* (The rotation around the z-axis is arbitrarily set</c>
<c>* to zero).</c>
<c>* Determine the value of the angle Alpha and rotate the</c>
<c>* normal vector to the plane y=0. This provides the</c>
<c>* vector N1.</c>
<l>hom_mat3d_identity (HomMat3DIdentity)</l>
<l>tuple_atan2 (NormalVectorY, NormalVectorZ, Alpha)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_rotate (HomMat3DIdentity, Alpha, 'x', 0, 0, 0, HomMat3DRotateAlpha)</l>
<l>affine_trans_point_3d (HomMat3DRotateAlpha, NormalVectorX, NormalVectorY, NormalVectorZ, N1x, N1y, N1z)</l>
<c>* Determine the value of the angle Beta by using the</c>
<c>* coordinates of N1. Note that the rotation around the</c>
<c>* y-axis with angle Beta is carried out in the counter</c>
<c>* trigonometric direction, therefore we apply -Beta.</c>
<l>tuple_atan2 (N1x, N1z, Beta)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_rotate (HomMat3DIdentity, -Beta, 'y', 0, 0, 0, HomMat3DRotateBeta)</l>
<c>* Create the LightPlanePose</c>
<l>hom_mat3d_translate (HomMat3DIdentity, -OriginX, -OriginY, -OriginZ, HomMat3DTranslate)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3DRotateAlpha, HomMat3DTranslate, HomMat3DTmp)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_compose (HomMat3DRotateBeta, HomMat3DTmp, HomMat3DWorldToLightplane)</l>
<l>hom_mat3d_to_pose (HomMat3DWorldToLightplane, LightPlanePose)</l>
<l>return ()</l>
<docu id="get_light_plane_pose">
<parameter id="LightPlanePose"/>
<parameter id="NormalVectorX"/>
<parameter id="NormalVectorY"/>
<parameter id="NormalVectorZ"/>
<parameter id="OriginX"/>
<parameter id="OriginY"/>
<parameter id="OriginZ"/>