
A toolbox for submitting WW3 runs on Yellowstone and Cheyenne

Primary LanguageShell


This is a tool box for submitting WW3 jobs on Yellowstone and Cheyenne.

Step 1: Prepare grid

Tools for generating grid and preparing for the input file are located in the folder grids/.

  • get_grid_inp_file

This Python script generates ww3_grid input data (x, y, bottom) for global grids gx37 and gx16. Require TLONG, TLAT, HT and REGION_MASK stored in netCDF format, i.e., gx37.grids.nc and gx16.grids.nc.

  • get_gx16b.ncl

This NCL script modifies the grid gx16 to exclude marginal seas and Nares Strait.

  • get_gx37b.ncl

This NCL script modifies the grid gx37 to exclude marginal seas.

  • get_bottom_ww3a

This Python script generates ww3_grid input data (bottom) for global grid ww3a. Bathymetry is taken from gx16 and remapped on ww3a (area average).

  • check_min_dx.ncl

This NCL script prints out the minimum dx in grid gx16b.

  • gen_grid_dot_inp

This Python generates ww3_grid.inp


This is a global grid for WW3 based on gx16 grid for POP. Modifications include:

  • Removed Baltic Sea, Mediterranean and Persian Gulf.

  • Removed lakes.

  • Removed Nares Strait.

  • Removed 8 grid points near Greenland where the grid size dx < 9 km.

All the remaining points has a minimum grid size min(dx, dy) = 9.07 km. With the minimum frequency f = 0.04118 s^{-1}, the maximum group velocity is max(c_{g}) ~ 19 m/s. The CFL time step (with CFL number ~ 1) is then set by max(dt) = min(dx, dy)/max(c_{g}) ~ 479 s. Therefore the maximum CFL time step for x-y propagation is set to 450 s. The maximum global time step, the k-theta propagation time step and the minimum source term time step are set to 1800 s, 900 s and 15 s, respectively. See ww3_grid.inp.gx16b.


This is a global grid for WW3 based on gx37 grid for POP. Marginal seas (including Baltic Sea, Mediterranean and Persian Gulf) and lakes are removed.


This is a global grid set for WW3 with multiple grid option. It is a combination of gx16b and gx37b, i.e., gx16b in polar regions for wave-sea ice interaction in MIZ and gx37b elsewhere for maximum computational economy.

Step 2: Prepare input data

Tools for preparing the input forcing field (wind and ice, etc.) are located in the folder data/. The input data for ww3_prnc will be generated in data/prnc_inp

  • get_ncep_wind_ice

This Python script generates netCDF input field (wind and ice) from CORE II wind and sea ice data.

  • get_cesm_cice

This Bash script prepares sea ice input files (sea ice fraction and thickness) from existing CICE output data.

  • curvilin2latlon.ncl

This NCL script remaps a netCDF file with curvilinear grid (such as gx16) to lat-lon grid.

Step 3: Compile and run

Input files for ww3_shel and ww3_multi are in run/shel_inp/ and run/multi_inp/.

  • run_wwatch3_shel

This Bash script sets up input files, compiles the code and submits jobs to run WW3 with single grid on Yellowstone or Cheyenne.

  • run_wwatch3_multi

This Bash script sets up input files, compiles the code and submits jobs to run WW3 with multiple grids on Yellowstone or Cheyenne.

Step 4: Convert output data to netCDF format

Input files for ww3_ounf and gint_inp to convert WW3 output data to netCDF format and interpolate WW3 data on multiple grids on a single grid are located in postprocess/ounf_inp and postprocess/gint_inp, respectively.

Step 5: Analyze the results

Tools for plotting figures, making animations and analyze data (e.g., calculating RMS differences) are located in the folder analysis/.

Shared code in share/

  • bash_functions.sh

A collection of Bash script functions used in run_wwatch3_shel and run_wwatch3_multi. Load these functions by

source ./share/bash_functions.sh

  • ncl_procedures_functions.ncl

A collection of NCL functions and procedures used in some NCL scripts. To use these procedures and functions, add the following line at the beginning of the NCL script (WW3_TOOLBOX_ROOT is the root directory of this toolbox).

load "WW3_TOOLBOX_ROOT/share/ncl_procedures_functions.ncl"