
WASM for key exchange and signing using curve25519 and ed25519

Primary LanguageRust

WASM for key exchange and signing using curve25519 and ed25519

  • Uses Dalek's x25519 for Diffie-Hellman key exchange and x25519 which is another Diffie-Hellman key exchange but follows RFC7748.
  • Uses Dalek's ed25519 for signing over ed25519 curve.

Demo UI for testing the generated wasm is present in www folder.

  1. Run wasm-pack build (in root) to generate wasm code.
  2. Run npm install and npm run start from www to start a server and visit http://localhost:8080/ to use the Demo UI.

Note: I created this to get started with WASM so quite likely there are better ways of doing things.