
LuaLaTeX package to insert comments into the document

Primary LanguageLua


The package allows the user to insert comments into a document that suggest (for example) further editing that may be needed.

The comments are shown in the margins alongside the text; different styles for the comments may be used; the styles are selected using package options.

The package is based on the package todonotes by Henrik Skov Midtiby (http://www.ctan.org/pkg/todonotes), and depends heavily on Lua, so it can only be used with LuaLaTeX.


Run latex luatodonotes.ins to generate the package files and copy the listed files into your TEXMF tree.


The latest source code is available on GitHub:

If you want to report bugs or you have suggestions for improvements, you can use the issue tracker on GitHub or contact me via email.


The luatodonotes package is subject to the LATEX Project Public License. The following external lua libraries are used:

  • path_line.lua and path_point.lua:
    taken from luapower.com (Public domain)

  • inspect.lua:
    by Enrique García Cota (MIT License)