This is a starter template for the Ionic Framework.
You can create Mobile Application using WordPress + WP-API v2, Ionic Framework, AngularJS.
- Infinite scroll
- Pull to refresh
- Static front page
- Posts
- Gallery
$ npm install -g ionic cordova
$ npm install ios-sim -g
Please install WordPress REST API (Version 2) into your WordPress site.
$ ionic start myApp
$ cd myApp
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic platform add android
Open your myApp/www/js/app.js
and change here to your own URL like following.
.constant( 'config', {
api: '' // API URL of your WordPress
} )
If you want to try quickly, you can skip here.
Run your app on iOS simulator.
$ ionic emulate ios
Or run on your browser.
$ ionic serve
Substitute ios for android if not on a Mac, but if you can, the ios development toolchain is a lot easier to work with until you need to do anything custom to Android.