
Proprietary blobs and local manifests for Samsung d2xxx (Samsung Galaxy S III) devices.


Please note that this repository is no longer actively maintained and is for reference purposes only. Additionally, official CM/Lineage support for d2x devices has concluded and stability cannot be expected, especially as these devices approach nearly 10 years of age

Proprietary blobs and local manifests for Samsung d2xxx (Samsung Galaxy S III) devices.

The manifests here work for the following devices:

  • d2tmo
  • d2att
  • d2vzw
  • d2spr

d2lte/unified is NOT supported due to the de-unifying of builds beginning with CM/Lineage 12.

If you're compiling builds on a remote machine (VPS, dedicated, etc.), this is for you, since you can't easily extract blobs to a remote machine, and most personal machines aren't suitable for building due to lack of a decent internet connection.

File should be placed in /root/android/.repo/local_manifests. If .repo doesn't exist, you need to run build/envsetup.sh.

Official development: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3-t-mobile/development/rom-cyanogenmod-12-t-mobile-samsung-t3055048