
🔥 This is an Online Docotr's Portal web Application. 🚀 built with React, using Firebase, stripe 💻 Visit this amazing web app: https://online-doctors-portal.web.app/ ❤️

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Online Doctor's Portal

A Single page web app with dashboard where people can pick the date and time and fix an appointment. A doctor can review his appointments and prescribe medicine to a Patient from his dashboard.

Live Website | Live API Server

Features :

  • Online appointment making
  • Patients Database
  • Review appointments
  • Prescribe medicine for each patient
  • Responsive UI
  • Single Page Application (SPA)
  • User can get an appointment of his/her desire day.
  • A dashboard is available for authenticated admin.
  • Admin can add see all the appointments
  • Admin can change appointment’s status to notify the clients about progress.

Front-end Thechnology :

  • React.js
  • Bootstrap4
  • CSS3

Back-end Technology

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB

Back-end Repository